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path: root/src/templates.ts
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/templates.ts')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 259 deletions
diff --git a/src/templates.ts b/src/templates.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index ac58a2c..0000000
--- a/src/templates.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,259 +0,0 @@
-import * as fs from "node:fs/promises";
-import * as cheerio from "cheerio";
-import { matter } from "toml-matter";
-import { Marked } from "marked";
-import log from "loglevel";
-import config from "./config";
-import { getPost, readPosts, type Post } from "./posts";
-const marked = new Marked();
-  gfm: true,
-function addMenu(
-  parent: cheerio.Cheerio<cheerio.AnyNode>,
-  child: cheerio.Cheerio<cheerio.AnyNode>,
-) {
-  parent.empty();
-  for (const link of config.menus.main) {
-    parent.append(child.clone().attr("href", link.url).text(link.name));
-  }
-export async function layout(
-  $: cheerio.CheerioAPI,
-  pageTitle: string,
-): Promise<cheerio.CheerioAPI> {
-  $("html").attr("lang", config.default_language);
-  $("head > link[rel=alternate]").attr("title", config.title);
-  addMenu($("nav"), $("nav a"));
-  $(".title").text(config.title);
-  $("title").text(pageTitle);
-  $(".p-name").text(pageTitle);
-  $("head")
-    .children("style")
-    .text(await Bun.file("templates/style.css").text());
-  return $;
-async function render404Page(): Promise<string> {
-  const $ = await layout(
-    cheerio.load(await Bun.file("templates/404.html").text()),
-    "404 Not Found",
-  );
-  return $.html();
-async function renderHomepage(posts: Array<Post>): Promise<string> {
-  const file = matter(await Bun.file("content/_index.md").text());
-  const $ = await layout(
-    cheerio.load(await Bun.file("templates/homepage.html").text()),
-    config.title,
-  );
-  $("body").addClass("h-card");
-  $(".title").addClass("p-name").addClass("u-url");
-  $("#content").html(await marked.parse(file.content));
-  const $feed = $(".h-feed");
-  const $entry = $(".h-entry").remove();
-  for (const post of posts) {
-    const $post = $entry.clone();
-    $post.find(".p-name").text(post.title);
-    $post.find(".u-url").attr("href", post.url);
-    $post
-      .find(".dt-published")
-      .attr("datetime", post.date.toISOString())
-      .text(post.date.toISOString().slice(0, 10));
-    $post.appendTo($feed);
-  }
-  $(".u-email").attr("href", `mailto:${config.email}`).text(config.email);
-  const $elsewhere = $(".elsewhere");
-  const $linkRelMe = $elsewhere.find(".u-url[rel=me]").parentsUntil("ul");
-  $linkRelMe.remove();
-  for (const link of config.menus.me) {
-    const $link = $linkRelMe.clone();
-    $link.find("a").attr("href", link.url).text(link.name);
-    $link.appendTo($elsewhere);
-  }
-  return $.html();
-async function renderPost(file: Post, content: string) {
-  const $ = await layout(
-    cheerio.load(await Bun.file("templates/post.html").text()),
-    file.title,
-  );
-  $(".title").addClass("h-card p-author").attr("rel", "author");
-  $(".h-entry .dt-published")
-    .attr("datetime", file.date.toISOString())
-    .text(file.date.toISOString().slice(0, 10));
-  $(".h-entry .e-content").html(content);
-  const categories = $(".h-entry .p-categories");
-  const cat = categories.find(".p-category").parentsUntil(categories);
-  cat.remove();
-  for (const tag of file.taxonomies.tags) {
-    categories.append(
-      cat
-        .clone()
-        .find(".p-category")
-        .attr("href", `/tags/${tag}/`)
-        .text(`#${tag}`)
-        .parent(),
-    );
-  }
-  return $.html();
-async function renderListPage(tag: string, posts: Post[]) {
-  const $ = await layout(
-    cheerio.load(await Bun.file("templates/list.html").text()),
-    tag || config.title,
-  );
-  const $feed = $(".h-feed");
-  const $tpl = $(".h-entry").remove();
-  $(".title").addClass("p-author h-card").attr("rel", "author");
-  if (tag === "") {
-    $(".filter").remove();
-  } else {
-    $(".filter").find("h3").text(`#${tag}`);
-  }
-  for (const post of posts) {
-    const $post = $tpl.clone();
-    $post.find(".p-name").text(post.title);
-    $post.find(".u-url").attr("href", post.url);
-    $post
-      .find(".dt-published")
-      .attr("datetime", post.date.toISOString())
-      .text(post.date.toISOString().slice(0, 10));
-    $post.appendTo($feed);
-  }
-  return $.html();
-async function renderTags(tags: string[]) {
-  const $ = await layout(
-    cheerio.load(await Bun.file("templates/tags.html").text()),
-    config.title,
-  );
-  const $tags = $(".tags");
-  const $tpl = $(".h-feed");
-  $tpl.remove();
-  for (const tag of tags) {
-    const $tag = $tpl.clone();
-    $tag.find("a").attr("href", `/tags/${tag}/`).text(`#${tag}`);
-    $tag.appendTo($tags);
-  }
-  return $.html();
-const makeTagURI = (specific: string) =>
-  `tag:${config.original_domain},${config.domain_start_date}:${specific}`;
-async function renderFeed(title: string, posts: Post[], tag?: string) {
-  const $ = cheerio.load(await Bun.file("templates/feed.xml").text(), {
-    xml: true,
-  });
-  const $feed = $("feed");
-  $feed.children("title").text(title);
-  $feed.children("link").attr("href", config.base_url);
-  $feed.children("id").text(makeTagURI(tag || "feed"));
-  $feed.children("updated").text(posts[0].date.toISOString());
-  const $tpl = $("feed > entry").remove();
-  for (const post of posts) {
-    const $post = $tpl.clone();
-    $post.children("title").text(post.title);
-    $post
-      .children("link")
-      .attr("href", new URL(post.url, config.base_url).href);
-    $post.children("id").text(makeTagURI(post.basename));
-    $post.children("updated").text(post.date.toISOString());
-    $post.find("author > name").text(config.title);
-    $post.children("summary").text(post.description || "");
-    const content = marked.parse((await getPost(post.input)).content);
-    $post.children("content").html(Bun.escapeHTML(await content));
-    $post.appendTo($feed);
-  }
-  return $.xml();
-async function renderFeedStyles() {
-  const $ = cheerio.load(await Bun.file("templates/feed-styles.xsl").text(), {
-    xml: true,
-  });
-  $("style").text(await Bun.file("templates/style.css").text());
-  return $.xml();
-export default async function generateSite() {
-  const tasks = [];
-  const { posts, tags } = await readPosts("content", "post", "public");
-  await fs.mkdir("public/post", { recursive: true });
-  for (const post of posts) {
-    const content = await marked.parse((await getPost(post.input)).content);
-    await fs.mkdir(`public/post/${post.basename}`, { recursive: true });
-    tasks.push(async () => {
-      log.debug(`Rendering post ${post.basename} to ${post.output}`);
-      return Bun.write(post.output, await renderPost(post, content));
-    });
-  }
-  await fs.mkdir("public/tags", { recursive: true });
-  tasks.push(async () => {
-    log.debug("Rendering tags page to public/tags/index.html");
-    return Bun.write("public/tags/index.html", await renderTags([...tags]));
-  });
-  for (const tag of tags) {
-    log.debug(`Processing tag ${tag}`);
-    const matchingPosts = posts.filter((p) => p.taxonomies.tags.includes(tag));
-    await fs.mkdir(`public/tags/${tag}`, { recursive: true });
-    tasks.push(async () => {
-      log.debug(`Rendering tag ${tag} to public/tags/${tag}/index.html`);
-      return Bun.write(
-        `public/tags/${tag}/index.html`,
-        await renderListPage(tag, matchingPosts),
-      );
-    });
-    tasks.push(async () => {
-      log.debug(`Rendering tag ${tag} feed to public/tags/${tag}/atom.xml`);
-      return Bun.write(
-        `public/tags/${tag}/atom.xml`,
-        await renderFeed(`${config.title} - ${tag}`, matchingPosts),
-      );
-    });
-  }
-  tasks.push(async () => {
-    log.debug("Rendering posts page to public/post/index.html");
-    return Bun.write("public/post/index.html", await renderListPage("", posts));
-  });
-  tasks.push(async () => {
-    log.debug("Rendering site feed to public/atom.xml");
-    return Bun.write("public/atom.xml", await renderFeed(config.title, posts));
-  });
-  tasks.push(async () => {
-    log.debug("Rendering feed styles to public/feed-styles.xsl");
-    return Bun.write("public/feed-styles.xsl", await renderFeedStyles());
-  });
-  tasks.push(async () => {
-    log.debug("Rendering homepage to public/index.html");
-    return Bun.write(
-      "public/index.html",
-      await renderHomepage(posts.slice(0, 3)),
-    );
-  });
-  tasks.push(async () => {
-    log.debug("Rendering 404 page to public/404.html");
-    return Bun.write("public/404.html", await render404Page());
-  });
-  for (const task of tasks) {
-    await task();
-  }