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path: root/internal/builder/template.go
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Diffstat (limited to 'internal/builder/template.go')
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 254 deletions
diff --git a/internal/builder/template.go b/internal/builder/template.go
index bc31ad1..376e48a 100644
--- a/internal/builder/template.go
+++ b/internal/builder/template.go
@@ -2,15 +2,11 @@ package builder
 import (
-	"fmt"
-	"net/url"
-	"sync"
-	"time"
@@ -19,24 +15,28 @@ import (
-	mapset "github.com/deckarep/golang-set/v2"
 var (
-	assetsOnce     sync.Once
-	css            string
-	countHTML      *goquery.Document
-	liveReloadHTML *goquery.Document
-	templates      = make(map[string]*os.File)
-	nsMap          = map[string]string{
+	css       string
+	templates = make(map[string]*os.File)
+	nsMap     = map[string]string{
 		"xsl":   "http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform",
 		"atom":  "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom",
 		"xhtml": "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml",
+func init() {
+	bytes, err := os.ReadFile("templates/style.css")
+	if err != nil {
+		panic(err)
+	}
+	css = string(bytes)
 func loadTemplate(path string) (file *os.File, err error) {
 	if templates[path] == nil {
 		file, err = os.OpenFile(path, os.O_RDONLY, 0)
@@ -50,12 +50,6 @@ func loadTemplate(path string) (file *os.File, err error) {
-var (
-	imgOnce     sync.Once
-	img         *goquery.Selection
-	urlTemplate *url.URL
 type QuerySelection struct {
@@ -74,234 +68,6 @@ func (q *QueryDocument) Find(selector string) *QuerySelection {
 	return &QuerySelection{q.Document.Find(selector)}
-func NewDocumentNoScript(r io.Reader) (*goquery.Document, error) {
-	root, err := html.ParseWithOptions(r, html.ParseOptionEnableScripting(false))
-	return goquery.NewDocumentFromNode(root), errors.Wrap(err, "could not parse HTML")
-func (root QuerySelection) setImgURL(pageURL string, pageTitle string) QuerySelection {
-	clone := countHTML.Clone()
-	imgOnce.Do(func() {
-		var err error
-		img = clone.Find("img")
-		attr, _ := img.Attr("src")
-		if attr == "" {
-			panic("<img> does not have src attribute")
-		}
-		urlTemplate, err = url.Parse(attr)
-		if err != nil {
-			panic(err.Error())
-		}
-	})
-	q := urlTemplate.Query()
-	urlTemplate.RawQuery = ""
-	q.Set("p", pageURL)
-	q.Set("t", pageTitle)
-	output := urlTemplate.String() + "?" + q.Encode()
-	clone.Find("img").SetAttr("src", output)
-	root.AppendSelection(clone.Find("body").Children())
-	return root
-func layout(
-	filename string,
-	config config.Config,
-	pageTitle string,
-	pageURL string,
-) (*goquery.Document, error) {
-	html, err := loadTemplate(filename)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	defer func() {
-		_, err := html.Seek(0, io.SeekStart)
-		if err != nil {
-			panic("could not reset template file offset: " + err.Error())
-		}
-	}()
-	assetsOnce.Do(func() {
-		var bytes []byte
-		bytes, err = os.ReadFile("templates/style.css")
-		if err != nil {
-			return
-		}
-		css = string(bytes)
-		countFile, err := os.OpenFile("templates/count.html", os.O_RDONLY, 0)
-		if err != nil {
-			return
-		}
-		defer countFile.Close()
-		countHTML, err = NewDocumentNoScript(countFile)
-		if err != nil {
-			return
-		}
-		if config.InjectLiveReload {
-			liveReloadFile, err := os.OpenFile("templates/dev.html", os.O_RDONLY, 0)
-			if err != nil {
-				return
-			}
-			defer liveReloadFile.Close()
-			liveReloadHTML, err = goquery.NewDocumentFromReader(liveReloadFile)
-			if err != nil {
-				return
-			}
-		}
-	})
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "could not set up layout template")
-	}
-	doc, err := NewDocumentFromReader(html)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	doc.Find("html").SetAttr("lang", config.DefaultLanguage)
-	doc.Find("head > link[rel=alternate]").SetAttr("title", config.Title)
-	doc.Find("head > link[rel=canonical]").SetAttr("href", pageURL)
-	doc.Find(".title").SetText(config.Title)
-	doc.Find("title").Add(".p-name").SetText(pageTitle)
-	doc.Find("head > style").SetHtml(css)
-	doc.Find("body").setImgURL(pageURL, pageTitle)
-	if config.InjectLiveReload {
-		doc.Find("body").AppendSelection(liveReloadHTML.Find("body").Clone())
-	}
-	nav := doc.Find("nav")
-	navLink := doc.Find("nav a")
-	nav.Empty()
-	for _, link := range config.Menus["main"] {
-		nav.AppendSelection(navLink.Clone().SetAttr("href", link.URL).SetText(link.Name))
-	}
-	return doc.Document, nil
-func renderPost(post Post, config config.Config) (r io.Reader, err error) {
-	doc, err := layout("templates/post.html", config, post.PostMatter.Title, post.URL)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	doc.Find(".title").AddClass("p-author h-card").SetAttr("rel", "author")
-	doc.Find(".h-entry .dt-published").
-		SetAttr("datetime", post.PostMatter.Date.UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)).
-		SetText(
-			post.PostMatter.Date.Format("2006-01-02"),
-		)
-	doc.Find(".h-entry .e-content").SetHtml(post.Content)
-	categories := doc.Find(".h-entry .p-categories")
-	tpl := categories.Find(".p-category").ParentsUntilSelection(categories)
-	tpl.Remove()
-	for _, tag := range post.Taxonomies.Tags {
-		cat := tpl.Clone()
-		cat.Find(".p-category").SetAttr("href", fmt.Sprintf("/tags/%s/", tag)).SetText("#" + tag)
-		categories.AppendSelection(cat)
-	}
-	return renderHTML(doc), nil
-func renderTags(tags Tags, config config.Config, url string) (io.Reader, error) {
-	doc, err := layout("templates/tags.html", config, config.Title, url)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	tagList := doc.Find(".tags")
-	tpl := doc.Find(".h-feed")
-	tpl.Remove()
-	for _, tag := range mapset.Sorted(tags) {
-		li := tpl.Clone()
-		li.Find("a").SetAttr("href", fmt.Sprintf("/tags/%s/", tag)).SetText("#" + tag)
-		tagList.AppendSelection(li)
-	}
-	return renderHTML(doc), nil
-func renderListPage(tag string, config config.Config, posts []Post, url string) (io.Reader, error) {
-	var title string
-	if len(tag) > 0 {
-		title = tag
-	} else {
-		title = config.Title
-	}
-	doc, err := layout("templates/list.html", config, title, url)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	feed := doc.Find(".h-feed")
-	tpl := feed.Find(".h-entry")
-	tpl.Remove()
-	doc.Find(".title").AddClass("p-author h-card").SetAttr("rel", "author")
-	if tag == "" {
-		doc.Find(".filter").Remove()
-	} else {
-		doc.Find(".filter").Find("h3").SetText("#" + tag)
-	}
-	for _, post := range posts {
-		entry := tpl.Clone()
-		entry.Find(".p-name").SetText(post.Title).SetAttr("href", post.URL)
-		entry.Find(".dt-published").
-			SetAttr("datetime", post.PostMatter.Date.UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)).
-			SetText(post.PostMatter.Date.Format("2006-01-02"))
-		feed.AppendSelection(entry)
-	}
-	return renderHTML(doc), nil
-func renderHomepage(config config.Config, posts []Post, url string) (io.Reader, error) {
-	_, index, err := getPost("content/_index.md")
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	doc, err := layout("templates/homepage.html", config, config.Title, url)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	doc.Find("body").AddClass("h-card")
-	doc.Find(".title").AddClass("p-name u-url")
-	html, err := renderMarkdown(index)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	doc.Find("#content").SetHtml(html)
-	feed := doc.Find(".h-feed")
-	tpl := feed.Find(".h-entry")
-	tpl.Remove()
-	for _, post := range posts[0:3] {
-		entry := tpl.Clone()
-		entry.Find(".p-name").SetText(post.Title)
-		entry.Find(".u-url").SetAttr("href", post.URL)
-		entry.
-			Find(".dt-published").
-			SetAttr("datetime", post.PostMatter.Date.UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)).
-			SetText(post.PostMatter.Date.Format("2006-01-02"))
-		feed.AppendSelection(entry)
-	}
-	doc.Find(".u-email").
-		SetAttr("href", fmt.Sprintf("mailto:%s", config.Email)).
-		SetText(config.Email)
-	elsewhere := doc.Find(".elsewhere")
-	linkRelMe := elsewhere.Find(".u-url[rel=me]").ParentsUntil("ul")
-	linkRelMe.Remove()
-	for _, link := range config.Menus["me"] {
-		el := linkRelMe.Clone()
-		el.Find("a").SetAttr("href", link.URL).SetText(link.Name)
-		elsewhere.AppendSelection(el)
-	}
-	return renderHTML(doc), nil
 func renderRobotsTXT(config config.Config) (io.Reader, error) {
 	r, w := io.Pipe()
 	tpl, err := template.ParseFiles("templates/robots.tmpl")
@@ -320,15 +86,6 @@ func renderRobotsTXT(config config.Config) (io.Reader, error) {
 	return r, nil
-func render404(config config.Config, url string) (io.Reader, error) {
-	doc, err := layout("templates/404.html", config, "404 Not Found", url)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	return renderHTML(doc), nil
 func renderFeed(
 	title string,
 	config config.Config,