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path: root/cmd/server/server.go
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Diffstat (limited to 'cmd/server/server.go')
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 142 deletions
diff --git a/cmd/server/server.go b/cmd/server/server.go
index 9c9911a..10144bb 100644
--- a/cmd/server/server.go
+++ b/cmd/server/server.go
@@ -2,98 +2,27 @@ package main
 import (
-	"hash/fnv"
-	"io/fs"
-	"path/filepath"
 	cfg "website/internal/config"
-	"github.com/ardanlabs/conf/v3"
 	sentryhttp "github.com/getsentry/sentry-go/http"
-	"github.com/pkg/errors"
-type Config struct {
-	Production             bool    `conf:"default:false"`
-	ListenAddress          string  `conf:"default:localhost"`
-	Port                   uint16  `conf:"default:3000,short:p"`
-	BaseURL                cfg.URL `conf:"default:http://localhost:3000,short:b"`
-	RedirectOtherHostnames bool    `conf:"default:false"`
 var Commit string
 var config *cfg.Config
-type File struct {
-	filename string
-	etag     string
-var files = map[string]File{}
-func hashFile(filename string) (string, error) {
-	f, err := os.Open(filename)
-	if err != nil {
-		return "", err
-	}
-	defer f.Close()
-	hash := fnv.New64a()
-	if _, err := io.Copy(hash, f); err != nil {
-		return "", err
-	}
-	return fmt.Sprintf(`W/"%x"`, hash.Sum(nil)), nil
-func registerFile(urlpath string, filepath string) error {
-	if files[urlpath] != (File{}) {
-		log.Printf("registerFile called with duplicate file, urlPath: %s", urlpath)
-		return nil
-	}
-	hash, err := hashFile(filepath)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	files[urlpath] = File{
-		filename: filepath,
-		etag:     hash,
-	}
-	return nil
-func registerContentFiles(root string) error {
-	err := filepath.WalkDir(root, func(filePath string, f fs.DirEntry, err error) error {
-		if err != nil {
-			return errors.WithMessagef(err, "failed to access path %s", filePath)
-		}
-		relPath, err := filepath.Rel(root, filePath)
-		if err != nil {
-			return errors.WithMessagef(err, "failed to make path relative, path: %s", filePath)
-		}
-		urlPath, _ := strings.CutSuffix(relPath, "index.html")
-		if !f.IsDir() {
-			slog.Debug("registering file", "urlpath", "/"+urlPath)
-			return registerFile("/"+urlPath, filePath)
-		}
-		return nil
-	})
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	return nil
 type HTTPError struct {
 	Error   error
 	Message string
@@ -116,7 +45,7 @@ func serveFile(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) *HTTPError {
 		http.Redirect(w, r, urlPath, 302)
 		return nil
-	file := files[urlPath]
+	file := GetFile(urlPath)
 	if file == (File{}) {
 		return &HTTPError{
 			Message: "File not found",
@@ -166,81 +95,14 @@ func fixupMIMETypes() {
-type loggingResponseWriter struct {
-	http.ResponseWriter
-	statusCode int
-func (lrw *loggingResponseWriter) WriteHeader(code int) {
-	lrw.statusCode = code
-	// avoids warning: superfluous response.WriteHeader call
-	if lrw.statusCode != http.StatusOK {
-		lrw.ResponseWriter.WriteHeader(code)
-	}
-func NewLoggingResponseWriter(w http.ResponseWriter) *loggingResponseWriter {
-	return &loggingResponseWriter{w, http.StatusOK}
-type wrappedHandlerOptions struct {
-	defaultHostname string
-	logger          io.Writer
-func wrapHandlerWithLogging(wrappedHandler http.Handler, opts wrappedHandlerOptions) http.Handler {
-	return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
-		scheme := r.Header.Get("X-Forwarded-Proto")
-		if scheme == "" {
-			scheme = "http"
-		}
-		host := r.Header.Get("Host")
-		if host == "" {
-			host = opts.defaultHostname
-		}
-		lw := NewLoggingResponseWriter(w)
-		wrappedHandler.ServeHTTP(lw, r)
-		statusCode := lw.statusCode
-		fmt.Fprintf(
-			opts.logger,
-			"%s %s %d %s %s %s\n",
-			scheme,
-			r.Method,
-			statusCode,
-			host,
-			r.URL.Path,
-			lw.Header().Get("Location"),
-		)
-	})
-func main() {
-	if os.Getenv("DEBUG") != "" {
-		slog.SetLogLoggerLevel(slog.LevelDebug)
-	}
+func startServer(runtimeConfig *Config) {
-	runtimeConfig := Config{}
-	help, err := conf.Parse("", &runtimeConfig)
-	if err != nil {
-		if errors.Is(err, conf.ErrHelpWanted) {
-			fmt.Println(help)
-			os.Exit(1)
-		}
-		log.Panicf("parsing runtime configuration: %v", err)
-	}
-	config, err = cfg.GetConfig()
+	c, err := cfg.GetConfig()
 	if err != nil {
 		log.Panicf("parsing configuration file: %v", err)
-	cwd, err := os.Getwd()
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Panicf("don't know where I am")
-	}
-	slog.Debug("starting at", "wd", cwd)
+	config = c
 	prefix := "website/public"
 	slog.Debug("registering content files", "prefix", prefix)