this commit
System and user configuration, managed by nix and home-manager
Gitolite user
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linde: reduce searchix memory usage
Alan Pearce
7 hours
linde: schedule autoupgrades after searchix index updates
Alan Pearce
15 hours
neovim: use nixvim to manage plugins and configuration
Alan Pearce
38 hours
user-interface: remove inter font
Alan Pearce
2 days
marvin: add LLM api keys to environment
Alan Pearce
3 days
simplify git's elisp function name regex
Alan Pearce
4 days
workstation: don't clobber programs.git.attributes
Alan Pearce
4 days
colmena-auto-upgrade: forcibly update git repo to remote
Alan Pearce
4 days
emacs: remove derived dnscontrol-mode
Alan Pearce
4 days
now unnecessary as dnscontrol files can be formatted with any typical formatter
emacs: automatically update packages list after idle
Alan Pearce
4 days
marvin: import aider config
Alan Pearce
5 days
linde: limit memory usage of searchix further
Alan Pearce
5 days
update inputs
Alan Pearce
5 days
git-server: mirror nixfiles and searchix to codeberg
Alan Pearce
6 days
linde: simplify acme cert setup
Alan Pearce
6 days
linde: remove unused website hosting
Alan Pearce
6 days
linde: remove website oci container
Alan Pearce
6 days
update searchix input
Alan Pearce
6 days
linde: remove old/dangling hostname
Alan Pearce
6 days
fix direnv environment not reloading after npins updates
Alan Pearce
6 days
git: move less-important settings/packages to workstation.nix
Alan Pearce
7 days
linde: set memory limit
Alan Pearce
7 days
update searchix input
Alan Pearce
7 days
linde: update searchix (enable NUR search)
Alan Pearce
8 days
marvin: update ollama settings
Alan Pearce
8 days
update packages submodule
Alan Pearce
8 days
add dirstat-rs (alias ds)
Alan Pearce
8 days
shell: use nix-build as target for nb alias
Alan Pearce
8 days
emacs: fix package conflict
Alan Pearce
8 days
reduce packages on servers
Alan Pearce
8 days
linde: install nicer sqlite tool
Alan Pearce
8 days
update packages submodule
Alan Pearce
8 days
dev: update searchix port (not using templ)
Alan Pearce
8 days
git-server: mirror gomponents to sourcehut and github
Alan Pearce
8 days
nix: remove nil (use nixd instead)
Alan Pearce
8 days
git-server: fix secure remote images not loading
Alan Pearce
9 days
update inputs
Alan Pearce
9 days
dev/base: add shell abbreviation to queue CI job of current project
Alan Pearce
9 days
emacs: bind `g .` to code actions menu
Alan Pearce
9 days
emacs: initialise vertico-prescient correctly
Alan Pearce
9 days
emacs: remove orderless
Alan Pearce
10 days
emacs: set up prescient correctly
Alan Pearce
10 days
emacs: don't use old version on linux
Alan Pearce
10 days
update searchix pin
Alan Pearce
11 days
marvin: enable linux-builder
Alan Pearce
11 days
update inputs
Alan Pearce
11 days
emacs: remove unused consult-dir package
Alan Pearce
11 days
emacs: disable other formatter modes when using eglot
Alan Pearce
12 days
marvin: keep XCode command-line tools on PATH
Alan Pearce
12 days
update inputs
Alan Pearce
13 days