summary refs log tree commit diff stats
path: root/user
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'user')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 170 deletions
diff --git a/user/emacs/init.el b/user/emacs/init.el
index b9c14a47..2f82ae9e 100644
--- a/user/emacs/init.el
+++ b/user/emacs/init.el
@@ -818,7 +818,6 @@ _p_rev       _u_pper              _=_: upper/lower       _r_esolve
   (fringe-helper-define 'flycheck-fringe-bitmap-double-arrow '(center repeated)
-(setq gitlab-ci-url "")
 (use-package gitlab-ci-mode-flycheck
   :ghook ('gitlab-ci-mode-hook (list #'gitlab-ci-mode-flycheck-enable
diff --git a/user/satoshipad.nix b/user/satoshipad.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 946b0390..00000000
--- a/user/satoshipad.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-{ config
-, pkgs
-, ...
-}: {
-  imports = [
-    ../private
-    ./settings/base.nix
-    ./settings/chat.nix
-    ./settings/development/base.nix
-    ./settings/development/javascript.nix
-    ./settings/development/web.nix
-    ./settings/dunst.nix
-    ./settings/emacs.nix
-    ./settings/git.nix
-    ./settings/gnupg.nix
-    ./settings/i3.nix
-    ./settings/mail.nix
-    ./settings/music.nix
-    ./settings/nixos.nix
-    ./settings/rofi.nix
-    ./settings/passwords.nix
-    ./settings/satoshipay.nix
-    ./settings/sxhkd.nix
-    ./settings/tabnine.nix
-    ./settings/trezor.nix
-    ./settings/user-interface.nix
-    ./settings/xresources.nix
-  ];
-  home.sessionVariables.EMAIL = "";
-  home.sessionVariables.BROWSER = "firefox-devedition";
-  programs.tabnine.config.local_enabled = "No";
-  xsession.windowManager.i3 = {
-    config = {
-      startup = [
-        { command = "firefox-devedition"; }
-        { command = "ripcord"; }
-        { command = "emacs"; }
-      ];
-    };
-    extraConfig = ''
-      workspace 1 output primary
-      workspace 2 output primary
-      workspace 3 output primary
-      workspace 4 output primary
-      workspace 5 output primary
-      workspace 6 output secondary
-      workspace 7 output secondary
-      workspace 8 output secondary
-      workspace 9 output secondary
-      workspace 10 output secondary
-    '';
-  };
diff --git a/user/settings/satoshipay.nix b/user/settings/satoshipay.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 558f8791..00000000
--- a/user/settings/satoshipay.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-{ config
-, lib
-, pkgs
-, ...
-  inherit (pkgs) stdenv;
-  spGitConfig = {
- = "";
-  };
-  imports = [
-    ./development/javascript.nix
-    ./development/web.nix
-  ];
-  home.sessionVariables = {
-  };
-  home.packages = with pkgs; ([
-    caddy
-    openssl
-    mongodb-tools
-    pgcli
-    pgformatter
-    postgresql
-    s3cmd
-    sops
-    lumen
-    mkcert
-    google-cloud-sdk
-    doctl
-    kubectl
-    kubetail
-    kubectx
-    kubernetes-helm
-    helmfile
-  ]
-  ++ (lib.optionals (!stdenv.isDarwin)
-    [
-      docker-compose
-      ripcord
-      robo3t
-    ]));
-  programs.emacs.extraPackages = epkgs: (with epkgs; [
-    gitlab-ci-mode
-    gitlab-ci-mode-flycheck
-    k8s-mode
-    kubel
-    kubel-evil
-  ] ++ lib.optionals (!stdenv.isDarwin) [
-  ]);
-  programs.git.includes = [
-    {
-      condition = "gitdir:~/projects/";
-      contents = spGitConfig;
-    }
-    {
-      condition = "gitdir:~/projects/";
-      contents = spGitConfig;
-    }
-  ];
-  home.shellAliases = {
-    kns = "kubens";
-    kx = "kubectx";
-    ks = "echo $(kubectx -c):$(kubens -c)";
-    klot = "kubetail";
-  };
- =
-    let
-      address = "";
-    in
-    {
-      inherit address;
-      primary = lib.mkDefault true;
-      realName = "Alan Pearce";
-      flavor = "";
-      passwordCommand = "${pkgs.python3Packages.keyring}/bin/keyring get satoshipay-google-mail ${address}";
-      folders = {
-        inbox = "INBOX";
-        drafts = "[Gmail]/Drafts";
-        sent = "[Gmail]/Sent Mail";
-        trash = "[Gmail]/Bin";
-      };
-      imap = {
-        tls.enable = true;
-      };
-      smtp = {
-        tls.enable = true;
-      };
-      mbsync = {
-        enable = true;
-        create = "maildir";
-        remove = "maildir";
-        expunge = "both";
-      };
-      msmtp = {
-        enable = true;
-      };
-    };
-  xdg.configFile."npm/config".text = ''
-    @satoshipay:registry=
-  '';