summary refs log tree commit diff stats
path: root/user/zsh/.config
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'user/zsh/.config')
3 files changed, 354 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/user/zsh/.config/zsh/.zshenv b/user/zsh/.config/zsh/.zshenv
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6b58186e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/user/zsh/.config/zsh/.zshenv
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+if [[ $SHLVL -eq 1 || -n $DISPLAY ]]
+  if [[ -f $ZDOTDIR/zshenv.local ]]
+  then
+    . $ZDOTDIR/zshenv.local
+  fi
+  if [[ -f $ZDOTDIR/zshenv.private ]]
+  then
+    . $ZDOTDIR/zshenv.private
+  fi
+  if [[ -e $HOME/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/ ]]
+  then
+    . $HOME/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/;
+    export NIX_LINK
+  fi
+  case $OSTYPE in
+    darwin*)
+      os=darwin
+      ;;
+    linux-gnu)
+      os=linux
+      ;;
+    freebsd*)
+      os=freebsd
+      ;;
+    *)
+      os=unknown
+      ;;
+  esac
+  case $MACHTYPE in
+    *64)
+      arch=amd64
+      ;;
+    *)
+      arch=386
+      ;;
+  esac
+  if [[ ${path[(I)$HOME/.local/bin ]} ]]
+  then
+    path+=($HOME/.local/bin)
+  fi
+  if [[ ${path[(I)$HOME/go/bin ]} ]]
+  then
+    path+=($HOME/go/bin)
+  fi
+  if [[ $HOST =~ satoshi ]]
+  then
+  else
+  fi
+  export GTAGSCONF=~/.globalrc
+  export GTAGSLABEL=ctags
+  export GHQ_ROOT="$HOME/projects:$HOME/go/src:$HOME/quicklisp/local-projects"
diff --git a/user/zsh/.config/zsh/.zshrc b/user/zsh/.config/zsh/.zshrc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2d869f0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/user/zsh/.config/zsh/.zshrc
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+# -*- mode: sh; -*-
+if [[ -f "$HOME/.zplugin/bin/zmodules/Src/zdharma/" ]]
+  module_path+=( "/Users/alan/.zplugin/bin/zmodules/Src" )
+  zmodload zdharma/zplugin
+  echo "Zplugin module is not installed" >&2
+source $HOME/.zplugin/bin/zplugin.zsh
+autoload -Uz _zplugin
+(( ${+_comps} )) && _comps[zplugin]=_zplugin
+[[ -d ${HISTFILE:h} ]] || mkdir -p ${HISTFILE:h}
+setopt extended_history
+setopt hist_save_no_dups
+setopt hist_ignore_space
+unsetopt share_history
+setopt inc_append_history_time
+setopt transient_rprompt
+alias ec=emacsclient
+gnu_ls_options="-v --group-directories-first --color=auto"
+bsd_ls_isodate="-D '%F %k:%M'"
+case $os in
+  darwin)
+    if [[ -n $commands[gls] ]]
+    then
+      ls='\gls'
+      ls_options=$gnu_ls_options
+      ls_isodate=$gnu_ls_isodate
+    else
+      export CLICOLOR=1
+      ls_options=$bsd_ls_options
+    fi
+    ;;
+  freebsd)
+    ls_options=$bsd_ls_options
+    ls_isodate=$bsd_ls_isodate
+    ;;
+  linux)
+    ls_options=$gnu_ls_options
+    ls_isodate=$gnu_ls_isodate
+    ;;
+alias watch="watch " # enable watch with aliases
+alias l="${ls} ${ls_options} -Bp"
+alias l1="${ls} ${ls_options} -1"
+alias ls="${ls} ${ls_options} -hF"
+alias la="${ls} ${ls_options} -hA"
+alias ll="${ls} ${ls_options} ${ls_isodate} -hl"
+alias lal="ll -A"
+alias lla="lal"
+alias llr="ll -t"
+alias https="http --default-scheme https"
+alias kns="kubens"
+alias kx="kubectx"
+alias ava="pnpx ava"
+alias avt="pnpx ava --tap"
+alias avat="pnpx ava --tap"
+alias pino="pino-pretty"
+alias mocha="pnpx mocha"
+alias prettier="pnpx prettier"
+alias standard="pnpx standard"
+alias tsc="pnpx tsc"
+alias tslint="pnpx tslint"
+alias tsnode="pnpx ts-node"
+alias wprop="xprop | egrep '^WM_(CLASS|NAME|WINDOW_ROLE|TYPE)'"
+zmodload zsh/terminfo
+bindkey -e
+bindkey '\e[3~' delete-char
+bindkey '\C-hd' describe-key-briefly
+dc () {
+  if [[ -x ./docker-compose ]]
+  then
+    ./docker-compose "$@"
+  else
+    docker-compose "$@"
+  fi
+compdef '_dispatch docker-compose docker-compose' dc
+backward-argument () {
+  local WORDCHARS="\!\`~#@$%^&*()-_=+[{]}\|;:,<.>/?\'\""
+  zle backward-word
+forward-argument () {
+  local WORDCHARS="\!\`~#@$%^&*()-_=+[{]}\|;:,<.>/?\'\""
+  zle forward-word
+backward-kill-argument () {
+  local WORDCHARS="\!\`~#@$%^&*()-_=+[{]}\|;:,<.>/?\'\""
+  zle backward-kill-word
+kill-argument () {
+  local WORDCHARS="\!\`~#@$%^&*()-_=+[{]}\|;:,<.>/?\'\""
+  zle kill-word
+zle -N backward-argument
+zle -N forward-argument
+zle -N kill-argument
+zle -N backward-kill-argument
+bindkey '\e^b' backward-argument
+bindkey '\e^f' forward-argument
+bindkey '\e^d' backward-kill-argument
+bindkey '\e^k' kill-argument
+ds () {
+  du -hd1 $1 | $sort -h
+# returns the first ghq root, whereas $GHQ_ROOT returns all
+hash -d p=$(ghq root)
+hash -d go=${GOPATH:-$HOME/go}
+zle -C hist-complete complete-word _generic
+zstyle ':completion:hist-complete:*' completer _history
+bindkey '\e ' hist-complete
+zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'm:{a-zA-Z-_}={A-Za-z_-}' 'r:|=*' 'l:|=* r:|=*'
+zstyle ':completion:*' completer _expand _complete _match
+# Plugins
+zplugin ice blockf wait'!' lucid
+zplugin load "zsh-users/zsh-completions"
+zplugin ice wait'[[ -n ${ZLAST_COMMANDS[(r)k*]} || "$PWD" =~ "kubernetes" ]]' lucid
+zplugin load alanpearce/kubectl-aliases
+zplugin ice wait'1' lucid atinit'alias cdg=cd-gitroot'
+zplugin load "mollifier/cd-gitroot"
+zplugin ice wait'[[ -n ${ZLAST_COMMANDS[(r)rm*]} ]]' lucid
+zplugin load "MikeDacre/careful_rm"
+zplugin ice wait'1' lucid if'[[ -z $SSH_CLIENT ]]'
+zplugin load "zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions"
+zplugin ice wait'1' lucid
+zplugin load "arzzen/calc.plugin.zsh"
+# provides the title function and macOS title-folder sync
+zplugin ice if'[[ $os -eq darwin ]]'
+zplugin snippet "OMZ::lib/functions.zsh"
+zplugin ice if'[[ $os -eq darwin ]]'
+zplugin snippet "OMZ::lib/termsupport.zsh"
+zplugin ice if'[[ $os -eq darwin ]]' wait'5' lucid
+zplugin load "unixorn/tumult.plugin.zsh"
+zplugin ice wait'[[ -n ${ZLAST_COMMANDS[(r)npm*]} ]]' lucid
+zplugin load "lukechilds/zsh-better-npm-completion"
+zplugin ice if'[[ (-n $commands[nix-env] && -z $commands[nixos-rebuild]) ]]' wait'[[ -n ${ZLAST_COMMANDS[(r)nix-shell*]} ]]' lucid
+zplugin load "chisui/zsh-nix-shell"
+zplugin ice if'[[ -n $commands[ghq] ]]'
+zplugin load "${GOPATH:=$HOME/go}/src/"
+zplugin ice wait'!2' lucid
+zplugin load "MichaelAquilina/zsh-you-should-use"
+if [[ -n $commands[gcloud] ]]
+   autoload bashcompinit
+   bashcompinit
+   source ${$(readlink =gcloud):h}/../etc/bash_completion.d/
+if [[ -n $commands[helm] ]]
+  autoload _helm
+  compdef _helm helm
+# General configuration
+if [[ -n $commands[gpg2] && -z $commands[gpg] ]]
+  alias gpg=gpg2
+if [[ -n $commands[lunchy] ]]
+  LUNCHY_DIR=$(dirname $(gem which lunchy))/../extras
+  if [ -f $LUNCHY_DIR/lunchy-completion.zsh ]; then
+    . $LUNCHY_DIR/lunchy-completion.zsh
+  fi
+PROMPT='%B%F{green}%n %F{blue}%~%b
+%# '
+if [[ $TERM == "dumb" ]]
+  unsetopt zle
+  check_kubectl_context () {
+    if [[ "$PWD" =~ /kubernetes ]]
+    then
+      git_branch=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
+      kubectl_context=$(kubectl config current-context)
+      kubectl_namespace=$(kubectl config view -o jsonpath="{.contexts[?(\"${kubectl_context}\")].context.namespace}")
+      case $git_branch in
+        staging)
+          kubectl_release=satoshipay-${kubectl_namespace}-staging
+          ;;
+        production)
+          kubectl_release=satoshipay-${kubectl_namespace}
+          ;;
+        master)
+          kubectl_release=
+          ;;
+        *)
+          kubectl_release=story-${git_branch}-${kubectl_namespace}
+      esac
+      if [[ $kubectl_context =~ production ]]
+      then
+        kubectl_colour=red
+      else
+        kubectl_colour=yellow
+      fi
+        prompt_context="%F{$kubectl_colour}[${kubectl_context}:${kubectl_namespace}]%f"
+    else
+      prompt_context=
+    fi
+  }
+  precmd_functions+=(check_kubectl_context)
+zplugin load agkozak/agkozak-zsh-prompt
+zplugin ice wait'!' lucid
+zplugin light "mollifier/anyframe"
+if [[ -n $commands[fzf] ]]
+  zplugin snippet ""
+  export FZF_CTRL_T_COMMAND='
+    (git ls-tree -r --name-only HEAD ||
+	       fd --hidden --follow --exclude ".git" . |
+	             sed s/^..//) 2> /dev/null'
+  export FZF_ALT_C_COMMAND='fd --type d --hidden --follow --exclude ".git" .'
+  bindkey '^t' transpose-chars
+  bindkey '^x^f' fzf-file-widget
+  zstyle ":anyframe:selector:fzf:" command "fzf --height 40%"
+  bindkey '\es' anyframe-widget-cd-ghq-repository
+  bindkey '^x^k' anyframe-widget-kill
+unsetopt flow_control       # Let me use ^S and ^Q
+zplugin ice wait'!' if'[[ -z $SSH_CLIENT ]]' lucid atinit'zpcompinit; zpcdreplay -q' lucid
+zplugin load "zdharma/fast-syntax-highlighting"
diff --git a/user/zsh/.config/zsh/ b/user/zsh/.config/zsh/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..93bbf808
--- /dev/null
+++ b/user/zsh/.config/zsh/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env zsh
+mkdir $HOME/.zplugin
+git clone $HOME/.zplugin/bin
+zcompile $HOME/.zplugin/bin/zplugin.zsh
+mkdir -p $HOME/.cache/zsh/