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path: root/user/emacs/init.el
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'user/emacs/init.el')
1 files changed, 10 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/user/emacs/init.el b/user/emacs/init.el
index b666e033..69c71d00 100644
--- a/user/emacs/init.el
+++ b/user/emacs/init.el
@@ -582,29 +582,6 @@ _C-k_: prev  _u_pper              _=_: upper/lower       _s_mart resolve
             (setq kind-icon-default-face 'corfu-default)
             (add-to-list 'corfu-margin-formatters #'kind-icon-margin-formatter)))
-(use-package tabnine-core
-  :config (progn
-            (setq tabnine-binaries-folder "~/.local/tabnine")
-            (with-demoted-errors "TabNine error: %s"
-              (when (tabnine--executable-path)
-                (global-tabnine-mode)))
-            (define-key tabnine-completion-map (kbd "TAB") #'tabnine-accept-completion)
-            (define-key tabnine-completion-map (kbd "<tab>") #'tabnine-accept-completion)
-            (define-key tabnine-completion-map (kbd "M-f") #'tabnine-accept-completion-by-word)
-            (define-key tabnine-completion-map (kbd "M-<return>") #'tabnine-accept-completion-by-line)
-            (define-key tabnine-completion-map (kbd "C-e") #'tabnine-accept-completion-by-line)
-            (define-key tabnine-completion-map (kbd "<right>") #'tabnine-accept-completion-by-line)
-            (define-key tabnine-completion-map (kbd "C-g") #'tabnine-clear-overlay)
-            (define-key tabnine-completion-map (kbd "M-[") #'tabnine-next-completion)
-            (define-key tabnine-completion-map (kbd "M-]") #'tabnine-previous-completion))
-  :init (progn
-          (advice-add 'tabnine-start-process :around #'quiet)
-          (add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook #'tabnine-kill-process)))
 (use-package tempel
   :general ("M-+" #'tempel-complete ;; Alternative tempel-expand
             "M-*" #'tempel-insert
@@ -689,7 +666,7 @@ _C-k_: prev  _u_pper              _=_: upper/lower       _s_mart resolve
 (setq dired-dwim-target t
       dired-recursive-copies 'top
-      dired-listing-switches "-alh --group-directories-first"
+      dired-listing-switches "-alh"
       dired-kill-when-opening-new-dired-buffer t
       dired-recursive-deletes (if delete-by-moving-to-trash
@@ -997,13 +974,21 @@ _C-k_: prev  _u_pper              _=_: upper/lower       _s_mart resolve
   :config (progn
             (treemacs-load-theme "simple")))
+(defun ap/consult-ghq-switch-project (dir)
+  "Append a slash to avoid project.el remembering two different
+paths for the same project."
+  (interactive)
+  (project-switch-project (if (string-suffix-p "/" dir)
+                              dir
+                            (concat dir "/"))))
 (use-package consult-ghq
   :defer 5
   :general (:keymaps 'project-prefix-map
                      "o" #'consult-ghq-switch-project)
   :config (progn
             (setq consult-ghq-grep-function #'consult-grep
-                  consult-ghq-find-function #'consult-find)))
+                  consult-ghq-find-function #'consult-find
+                  consult-ghq-switch-project-function #'ap/consult-ghq-switch-project)))
 (use-package envrc
   :defer 2