summary refs log tree commit diff stats
diff options
23 files changed, 0 insertions, 678 deletions
diff --git a/LaunchAgents/gnu.emacs.daemon.plist b/LaunchAgents/gnu.emacs.daemon.plist
deleted file mode 100644
index 873e28ff..00000000
--- a/LaunchAgents/gnu.emacs.daemon.plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
-<plist version="1.0">
-  <key>ServiceDescription</key>
-  <string>Gnu Emacs Daemon</string>
-  <key>ProgramArguments</key>
-  <array>
-    <string>/Applications/</string>
-    <string>--daemon</string>
-  </array>
-  <key>RunAtLoad</key>
-  <true/>
-  <key>WorkingDirectory</key>
-  <string>/Users/alan</string>
-  <key>Label</key>
-  <string>gnu.emacs.daemon</string>
diff --git a/atop/.atoprc b/atop/.atoprc
deleted file mode 100644
index d03319ea..00000000
--- a/atop/.atoprc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-flags   Aa

-maxlinecpu 0
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/clojure/.lein/profiles.clj b/clojure/.lein/profiles.clj
deleted file mode 100644
index 99c0de2d..00000000
--- a/clojure/.lein/profiles.clj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-{:user {:plugins [[org.clojure/tools.namespace "0.2.10"]
-                  [lein-autoexpect "1.6.0"]
-                  [lein-ancient "0.6.7"]
-                  [lein-droid "0.4.0-alpha4"]]
-        :dependencies [[org.clojure/tools.trace "0.7.8"]]
-        :repl-options {:init
-                       (do
-                         (require '[ :refer [javadoc]])
-                         (
-                          "/usr/share/doc/java8-openjdk/api/"))}}
- :repl {:plugins [cider/cider-nrepl "0.9.1"]}}
diff --git a/dwm/dwm/config.h b/dwm/dwm/config.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 659dfa1b..00000000
--- a/dwm/dwm/config.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-/* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */
-/* appearance */
-static const char font[]            = "-misc-termsyn-medium-r-normal--11-79-100-100-c-60-*-*";
-static const char normbordercolor[] = "#657b83";
-static const char normbgcolor[]     = "#002b36";
-static const char normfgcolor[]     = "#fdf6e3";
-static const char selbordercolor[]  = "#859900";
-static const char selbgcolor[]      = "#586e75";
-static const char selfgcolor[]      = "#fdf6e3";
-static const unsigned int borderpx  = 1;        /* border pixel of windows */
-static const unsigned int snap      = 32;       /* snap pixel */
-static const Bool showbar           = True;     /* False means no bar */
-static const Bool topbar            = True;     /* False means bottom bar */
-/* tagging */
-static const char *tags[] = { "shell", "code", "web", "misc" };
-static const Rule rules[] = {
-	/* class      instance    title       tags mask     isfloating   monitor */
-	{ "Firefox",  NULL,       NULL,       1 << 2,       False,       -1 },
-	{ "URxvt",    NULL,       NULL,       1 << 0,       False,       -1 },
-	{ "Emacs",    "emacs",    NULL,       1 << 1,       False,       -1 },
-	{ "KeePass2", NULL,       NULL,       1 << 3,       False,       -1 },
-	{ "deadbeef", NULL,       NULL,       1 << 3,       False,       -1 },
-	{ "Emacs",    "Ediff",    NULL,            0,       True,        -1 },
-/* layout(s) */
-static const float mfact      = 0.55; /* factor of master area size [0.05..0.95] */
-static const int nmaster      = 1;    /* number of clients in master area */
-static const Bool resizehints = True; /* True means respect size hints in tiled resizals */
-static const Layout layouts[] = {
-	/* symbol     arrange function */
-	{ "[]=",      tile },    /* first entry is default */
-	{ "><>",      NULL },    /* no layout function means floating behavior */
-	{ "[M]",      monocle },
-/* key definitions */
-#define MODKEY Mod4Mask
-#define TAGKEYS(KEY,TAG) \
-	{ MODKEY,                       KEY,      toggleview,     {.ui = 1 << TAG} }, \
-	{ MODKEY|ControlMask,           KEY,      view,           {.ui = 1 << TAG} }, \
-	{ MODKEY|ShiftMask,             KEY,      tag,            {.ui = 1 << TAG} }, \
-	{ MODKEY|ControlMask|ShiftMask, KEY,      toggletag,      {.ui = 1 << TAG} },
-/* helper for spawning shell commands in the pre dwm-5.0 fashion */
-#define SHCMD(cmd) { .v = (const char*[]){ "/bin/sh", "-c", cmd, NULL } }
-/* commands */
-static const char *termcmd[]  = { "mlterm", NULL };
-static Key keys[] = {
-	/* modifier                     key        function        argument */
-	{ MODKEY|ShiftMask,             XK_b,      togglebar,      {0} },
-	{ MODKEY,                       XK_e,      focusstack,     {.i = +1 } },
-	{ MODKEY,                       XK_i,      focusstack,     {.i = -1 } },
-	{ MODKEY,                       XK_s,      incnmaster,     {.i = +1 } },
-	{ MODKEY,                       XK_r,      incnmaster,     {.i = -1 } },
-	{ MODKEY,                       XK_n,      setmfact,       {.f = -0.05} },
-	{ MODKEY,                       XK_o,      setmfact,       {.f = +0.05} },
-	{ MODKEY,                       XK_Return, zoom,           {0} },
-	{ MODKEY,                       XK_Tab,    view,           {0} },
-	{ MODKEY|ShiftMask,             XK_c,      killclient,     {0} },
-	{ MODKEY,                       XK_g,      setlayout,      {.v = &layouts[0]} },
-	{ MODKEY,                       XK_f,      setlayout,      {.v = &layouts[1]} },
-	{ MODKEY,                       XK_m,      setlayout,      {.v = &layouts[2]} },
-	{ MODKEY,                       XK_space,  setlayout,      {0} },
-	{ MODKEY|ShiftMask,             XK_space,  togglefloating, {0} },
-	{ MODKEY,                       XK_0,      view,           {.ui = ~0 } },
-	{ MODKEY|ShiftMask,             XK_0,      tag,            {.ui = ~0 } },
-	{ MODKEY,                       XK_comma,  focusmon,       {.i = -1 } },
-	{ MODKEY,                       XK_period, focusmon,       {.i = +1 } },
-	{ MODKEY|ShiftMask,             XK_comma,  tagmon,         {.i = -1 } },
-	{ MODKEY|ShiftMask,             XK_period, tagmon,         {.i = +1 } },
-	TAGKEYS(                        XK_1,                      0)
-	TAGKEYS(                        XK_2,                      1)
-	TAGKEYS(                        XK_3,                      2)
-	TAGKEYS(                        XK_4,                      3)
-	TAGKEYS(                        XK_5,                      4)
-	TAGKEYS(                        XK_6,                      5)
-	TAGKEYS(                        XK_7,                      6)
-	TAGKEYS(                        XK_8,                      7)
-	TAGKEYS(                        XK_9,                      8)
-	{ MODKEY|ShiftMask,             XK_q,      quit,           {0} },
-	{ MODKEY|ShiftMask,             XK_r,      quit,           { .i = 5 } },
-/* button definitions */
-/* click can be ClkLtSymbol, ClkStatusText, ClkWinTitle, ClkClientWin, or ClkRootWin */
-static Button buttons[] = {
-	/* click                event mask      button          function        argument */
-	{ ClkLtSymbol,          0,              Button1,        setlayout,      {0} },
-	{ ClkLtSymbol,          0,              Button3,        setlayout,      {.v = &layouts[2]} },
-	{ ClkWinTitle,          0,              Button2,        zoom,           {0} },
-	{ ClkStatusText,        0,              Button2,        spawn,          {.v = termcmd } },
-	{ ClkClientWin,         MODKEY,         Button1,        movemouse,      {0} },
-	{ ClkClientWin,         MODKEY,         Button2,        togglefloating, {0} },
-	{ ClkClientWin,         MODKEY,         Button3,        resizemouse,    {0} },
-	{ ClkTagBar,            0,              Button1,        toggleview,     {0} },
-	{ ClkTagBar,            0,              Button3,        view,           {0} },
-	{ ClkTagBar,            MODKEY,         Button1,        tag,            {0} },
-	{ ClkTagBar,            MODKEY,         Button3,        toggletag,      {0} },
diff --git a/fish/.config/fish/ b/fish/.config/fish/
deleted file mode 100755
index ff3ff35e..00000000
--- a/fish/.config/fish/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-set -gx PATH ~/.local/bin $PATH
diff --git a/global/.globalrc b/global/.globalrc
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fd1a0bb..00000000
--- a/global/.globalrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-	:tc=symfony_global:
-	:suffixes=php,yml,yaml,html,twig,xml:\
-	:skip=/app/cache,node_modules,bin,/app/logs,GPATH,GTAGS,GRTAGS,GSYMS,HTML/,,html/,tags,TAGS,ID,,,.notfunction,cscope.out,cscope.po.out,,.gdbinit,SCCS/,RCS/,CVS/,CVSROOT/,{arch}/,.svn/,.git/,.cvsrc,.cvsignore,.gitignore,.cvspass,.cvswrappers,.deps/,autom4te.cache/,.snprj/:
diff --git a/hg/.hgrc b/hg/.hgrc
deleted file mode 100644
index 97687430..00000000
--- a/hg/.hgrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-username = Alan Pearce <>
-purge =
-progress =
-color =
-eol =
-record =
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/karabiner/.config/karabiner/karabiner.json b/karabiner/.config/karabiner/karabiner.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 15ee8f14..00000000
--- a/karabiner/.config/karabiner/karabiner.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-    "global": {
-        "check_for_updates_on_startup": true,
-        "show_in_menu_bar": true,
-        "show_profile_name_in_menu_bar": false
-    },
-    "profiles": [
-        {
-            "complex_modifications": {
-                "parameters": {
-                    "basic.to_if_alone_timeout_milliseconds": 1000
-                },
-                "rules": []
-            },
-            "devices": [
-                {
-                    "disable_built_in_keyboard_if_exists": false,
-                    "identifiers": {
-                        "is_keyboard": true,
-                        "is_pointing_device": false,
-                        "product_id": 602,
-                        "vendor_id": 1452
-                    },
-                    "ignore": true,
-                    "keyboard_type": 41
-                },
-                {
-                    "disable_built_in_keyboard_if_exists": false,
-                    "identifiers": {
-                        "is_keyboard": true,
-                        "is_pointing_device": false,
-                        "product_id": 8209,
-                        "vendor_id": 1241
-                    },
-                    "ignore": false,
-                    "keyboard_type": 40
-                }
-            ],
-            "fn_function_keys": {
-                "f1": "vk_consumer_brightness_down",
-                "f10": "mute",
-                "f11": "volume_down",
-                "f12": "volume_up",
-                "f2": "vk_consumer_brightness_up",
-                "f3": "vk_mission_control",
-                "f4": "vk_launchpad",
-                "f5": "vk_consumer_illumination_down",
-                "f6": "vk_consumer_illumination_up",
-                "f7": "vk_consumer_previous",
-                "f8": "vk_consumer_play",
-                "f9": "vk_consumer_next"
-            },
-            "name": "Default Profile",
-            "selected": true,
-            "simple_modifications": {
-                "caps_lock": "delete_or_backspace",
-                "left_command": "left_option",
-                "left_control": "left_command",
-                "left_option": "right_control",
-                "menu": "fn",
-                "non_us_backslash": "grave_accent_and_tilde",
-                "right_command": "right_option",
-                "right_control": "right_command",
-                "right_option": "right_control"
-            },
-            "virtual_hid_keyboard": {
-                "caps_lock_delay_milliseconds": 0,
-                "keyboard_type": "ansi"
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            "complex_modifications": {
-                "parameters": {
-                    "basic.to_if_alone_timeout_milliseconds": 1000
-                },
-                "rules": []
-            },
-            "devices": [
-                {
-                    "disable_built_in_keyboard_if_exists": false,
-                    "identifiers": {
-                        "is_keyboard": true,
-                        "is_pointing_device": false,
-                        "product_id": 602,
-                        "vendor_id": 1452
-                    },
-                    "ignore": false
-                },
-                {
-                    "disable_built_in_keyboard_if_exists": false,
-                    "identifiers": {
-                        "is_keyboard": true,
-                        "is_pointing_device": false,
-                        "product_id": 33290,
-                        "vendor_id": 1452
-                    },
-                    "ignore": true
-                }
-            ],
-            "fn_function_keys": {
-                "f1": "display_brightness_decrement",
-                "f10": "mute",
-                "f11": "volume_decrement",
-                "f12": "volume_increment",
-                "f2": "display_brightness_increment",
-                "f3": "mission_control",
-                "f4": "launchpad",
-                "f5": "illumination_decrement",
-                "f6": "illumination_increment",
-                "f7": "rewind",
-                "f8": "play_or_pause",
-                "f9": "fastforward"
-            },
-            "name": "Macbook keyboard",
-            "selected": false,
-            "simple_modifications": {
-                "caps_lock": "delete_or_backspace",
-                "grave_accent_and_tilde": "non_us_backslash",
-                "left_command": "left_control",
-                "left_control": "left_command",
-                "non_us_backslash": "grave_accent_and_tilde",
-                "right_command": "right_control"
-            },
-            "virtual_hid_keyboard": {
-                "caps_lock_delay_milliseconds": 0,
-                "keyboard_type": "ansi"
-            }
-        }
-    ]
diff --git a/minttyrc/.minttyrc b/minttyrc/.minttyrc
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e7f2d86..00000000
--- a/minttyrc/.minttyrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/mpv/.config/config b/mpv/.config/config
deleted file mode 100644
index 56c6d996..00000000
--- a/mpv/.config/config
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/ruby/.gemrc b/ruby/.gemrc
deleted file mode 100644
index ab4f7840..00000000
--- a/ruby/.gemrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-gem: --user-install -n~/.local/bin
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/slate/.slate b/slate/.slate
deleted file mode 100644
index e8c675d0..00000000
--- a/slate/.slate
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-config keyboardLayout colemak
-config defaultToCurrentScreen true
-config nudgePercentOf screenSize
-config resizePercentOf screenSize
-config windowHintsSpread true
-alias mon-laptop 1680x1050
-alias mon-work   1920x1200
-alias mon-home   2560x1440
-alias 1-full   throw 0 resize
-alias 1-left   push left  bar-resize:screenSizeX/2 0
-alias 1-right  push right bar-resize:screenSizeX/2 0
-alias 2-left   push left  bar-resize:screenSizeX/2 1
-alias 2-right  push right bar-resize:screenSizeX/2 1
-# Push Bindings
-bind right:alt;cmd  push right bar-resize:screenSizeX/2
-bind left:alt;cmd   push left  bar-resize:screenSizeX/2
-bind up:alt;cmd     push up    bar-resize:screenSizeY/2
-bind down:alt;cmd   push down  bar-resize:screenSizeY/2
-# Throw Bindings
-bind 1:ctrl;alt         throw 0 resize
-bind 2:ctrl;alt         throw 1 resize
-bind 3:ctrl;alt         throw 2 resize
-bind right:ctrl;alt;cmd throw right resize
-bind left:ctrl;alt;cmd  throw left  resize
-bind up:ctrl;alt;cmd    throw up    resize
-bind down:ctrl;alt;cmd  throw down  resize
-bind f:cmd;shift  move screenOriginX;screenOriginY screenSizeX;screenSizeY
-# Focus Bindings
-bind right:cmd;shift    focus right
-bind left:cmd;shift     focus left
-# bind up:cmd;shift       focus up
-# bind down:cmd;shift     focus down
-bind up:cmd;shift   focus behind
-bind down:cmd;shift focus behind
-# Window Hints
-bind esc:cmd hint setnriao
diff --git a/tmux/.tmux.conf b/tmux/.tmux.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 697e1238..00000000
--- a/tmux/.tmux.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-#setw -g xterm-keys on
-#set -g terminal-overrides "xterm*:kLFT5=\eOD:kRIT5=\eOC:kUP5=\eOA:kDN5=\eOB:smkx@:rmkx@"
-set-window-option -g utf8 on
-set-option -g status-utf8 on
-set-option -g prefix C-z
-bind C-n send-prefix
-unbind-key C-b
-set -g default-terminal "screen-256color"
-# Colemak style
-bind-key C-i next-window
-set -g base-index 1
-set-environment -g 'SSH_AUTH_SOCK' '/home/alan/.ssh/ssh_auth_sock'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vagrant/.vagrant.d/Vagrantfile b/vagrant/.vagrant.d/Vagrantfile
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c69c88e..00000000
--- a/vagrant/.vagrant.d/Vagrantfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-# -*- mode: ruby -*-
-Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
-  config.vm.provision "ansible" do |ansible|
-    ansible.playbook = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/ansible/site.yml"
-    ansible.limit = "all"
-  end
diff --git a/vagrant/.vagrant.d/ansible/centos.yml b/vagrant/.vagrant.d/ansible/centos.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a6759a6..00000000
--- a/vagrant/.vagrant.d/ansible/centos.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-- name: Ensure EPEL repository package is present
-  register: centos_repos
-  get_url:
-    url: "{{ item.url }}"
-    dest: "/root/{{ item.dest }}"
-  with_items:
-    - url:
-      dest: epel-repo.rpm
-    - url:
-      dest: ius-repo.rpm
-- name: Fetch utilities repo
-  get_url:
-    url:
-    dest: /etc/yum.repos.d/utilities.repo
-- name: Ensure IUS and EPEL repositories are installed
-  when: centos_repos.changed
-  yum:
-    name: "{{ item }}"
-    state: installed
-  with_items:
-    - /root/epel-repo.rpm
-    - /root/ius-repo.rpm
-- name: Ensure that tools are installed
-  with_items: packages
-  yum:
-    name: "{{ item }}"
-    state: present
diff --git a/vagrant/.vagrant.d/ansible/debian.yml b/vagrant/.vagrant.d/ansible/debian.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e06af69..00000000
--- a/vagrant/.vagrant.d/ansible/debian.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-- get_url:
-    url:
-    dest: /tmp/rcm.deb
-- command: dpkg --skip-same-version -i /tmp/rcm.deb
-  register: dpkg
-  changed_when: "dpkg.stdout.startswith('Selecting')"
-- name: Ensure that tools are installed
-  with_items: packages
-  apt:
-    pkg: "{{ item }}"
-    state: present
-    cache_valid_time: 86400
-    update_cache: yes
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vagrant/.vagrant.d/ansible/site.yml b/vagrant/.vagrant.d/ansible/site.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 13384550..00000000
--- a/vagrant/.vagrant.d/ansible/site.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-- hosts: all
-  sudo: yes
-  vars:
-    packages:
-      - zsh
-      - htop
-      - lsof
-      - git
-      - rcm
-  tasks:
-    - include: centos.yml
-      when: ansible_distribution == "CentOS"
-    - include: debian.yml
-      when: ansible_distribution == "Debian"
-    - name: Ensure that dotfiles are checked out
-      sudo: no
-      git:
-        repo: git://
-        dest: ~/dotfiles
-        update: yes
-    - name: Change shell to zsh
-      user:
-        name: vagrant
-        shell: /bin/zsh
-    - name: Install dotfiles
-      sudo: no
-      command: /usr/bin/rcup -d dotfiles -t zsh -t git -x -x Brewfile -x LaunchAgents chdir=/home/vagrant
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/xbindkeys/.xbindkeysrc.scm b/xbindkeys/.xbindkeysrc.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index b8812cdb..00000000
--- a/xbindkeys/.xbindkeysrc.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-;; To specify a key, you can use 'xbindkeys --key' or
-;; 'xbindkeys --multikey' and put one of the two lines in this file.
-;; A list of keys is in /usr/include/X11/keysym.h and in
-;; /usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h
-;; The XK_ is not needed.
-;; List of modifier:
-;;   Release, Control, Shift, Mod1 (Alt), Mod2 (NumLock),
-;;   Mod3 (CapsLock), Mod4, Mod5 (Scroll).
-;; The release modifier is not a standard X modifier, but you can
-;; use it if you want to catch release instead of press events
-;; By defaults, xbindkeys does not pay attention to modifiers
-;; NumLock, CapsLock and ScrollLock.
-;; Uncomment the lines below if you want to use them.
-;; To dissable them, call the functions with #f
-;;;;EXTRA FUNCTIONS: Enable numlock, scrolllock or capslock usage
-;;(set-numlock! #t)
-;;(set-scrolllock! #t)
-;;(set-capslock! #t)
-;;;;; Scheme API reference
-;; Optional modifier state:
-;; (set-numlock! #f or #t)
-;; (set-scrolllock! #f or #t)
-;; (set-capslock! #f or #t)
-;; Shell command key:
-;; (xbindkey key "foo-bar-command [args]")
-;; (xbindkey '(modifier* key) "foo-bar-command [args]")
-;; Scheme function key:
-;; (xbindkey-function key function-name-or-lambda-function)
-;; (xbindkey-function '(modifier* key) function-name-or-lambda-function)
-;; Other functions:
-;; (remove-xbindkey key)
-;; (run-command "foo-bar-command [args]")
-;; (grab-all-keys)
-;; (ungrab-all-keys)
-;; (remove-all-keys)
-;; (debug)
-(xbindkey '(mod4 F9)  "mpc toggle")
-(xbindkey '(mod4 F10) "mpc prev")
-(xbindkey '(mod4 F11) "mpc next")
-(xbindkey '(mod4 F12) "mpc stop")
-(xbindkey '(mod4 p) "dmenu_run -fn '-misc-termsyn-medium-r-normal--11-79-100-100-c-60-*-*' -nb '#002b36' -nf '#fdf6e3' -sb '#586e75' -sf '#fdf6e3' -hist '/home/alan/.cache/dmenu_run_history'")
-(xbindkey '(mod4 shift T) "mlterm")
-(xbindkey '(mod4 shift E) "emacsclient -c")
diff --git a/xmobar/.xmobarrc b/xmobar/.xmobarrc
deleted file mode 100644
index dd54a928..00000000
--- a/xmobar/.xmobarrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-Config { font = "-*-terminus-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
-       , borderColor = "#657b83"
-       , border = TopB
-       , bgColor = "#fdf6e3"
-       , fgColor = "#657b83"
-       , position = BottomW L 90
-       , lowerOnStart = False
-       , hideOnStart = False
-       , persistent = True
-       , commands = [ Run Weather "EGNX" ["-t", "<tempC>ºC"
-                                         ,"-L", "12"
-                                         ,"-H", "22"
-                                         ,"--low", "#268bd2"
-                                         ,"--normal", "#859900"
-                                         ,"--high", "#dc322f"
-                                         ] 36000
-                    , Run DynNetwork ["-t", "Net: <rx>¦<tx>KB"
-                                     ,"-L", "512"
-                                     ,"-H", "10240"
-                                     ,"--low", "#859900"
-                                     ,"--normal", "#b58900"
-                                     ,"--high", "#dc322f"
-                                     ,"-m", "5"
-                                     ] 10
-                    , Run Cpu ["-p", "3"
-                              ,"-L", "3"
-                              ,"-H", "50"
-                              ,"--normal", "#859900"
-                              ,"--high", "#dc322f"
-                              ] 10
-                    , Run Memory ["-p", "3"
-                                 ,"-t", "Mem: <usedratio>%"
-                                 ] 20
-                    , Run StdinReader
-                    , Run Date "%a %b %_d %Y %H:%M" "date" 100
-                    ]
-       , sepChar = "%"
-       , alignSep = "}{"
-       , template = "%StdinReader% }{ %cpu% | %memory% | %dynnetwork% | %EGNX% | <fc=#2aa198>%date%</fc>"
-       }
diff --git a/xmodmap/.xmodmaprc b/xmodmap/.xmodmaprc
deleted file mode 100644
index 16a7a631..00000000
--- a/xmodmap/.xmodmaprc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-clear Lock
-keycode 0x42 = Escape
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/xmonad/.xmonad/xmonad.hs b/xmonad/.xmonad/xmonad.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 21e197d2..00000000
--- a/xmonad/.xmonad/xmonad.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-import XMonad
-import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
-import XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog
-import XMonad.Hooks.EwmhDesktops
-import XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks
-import XMonad.Hooks.ManageHelpers
-import XMonad.Layout.NoBorders
-import XMonad.Layout.WindowNavigation
-import XMonad.Util.EZConfig
-import XMonad.Util.Run(spawnPipe)
-import System.Exit
-import System.IO
-import Data.List(isPrefixOf)
-myManageHook :: ManageHook
-myManageHook = composeOne
-               [ className =? "Firefox" -?> doShift "2"
-               , className =? "Pidgin" -?> doShift "3"
-               , className =? "nuvolaplayer" -?> doShift "8"
-               , className =? "Transmission-gtk" -?> doShift "9"
-               , isFullscreen -?> doFullFloat
-               , fmap ("mpv" `isPrefixOf`) title -?> doFullFloat
-               ]
-myKeys c = mkKeymap c $
-           [ ("M-S-<Return>", spawn $ XMonad.terminal c)
-           , ("M-k", kill)
-           , ("M-<Space>", spawn "exec $(dmenu_path | dmenu)")
-           , ("M-x M-e", spawn "emacsclient -c")
-           , ("M-t",  withFocused $ windows . W.sink)
-           , ("M-m",  windows W.focusMaster)
-           , ("M-S-m",  windows W.swapMaster)
-           , ("M-<R>",    sendMessage $ Go R)
-           , ("M-<L>",    sendMessage $ Go L)
-           , ("M-<U>",    sendMessage $ Go U)
-           , ("M-<D>",    sendMessage $ Go D)
-           , ("M-M1-<R>", sendMessage $ Swap R)
-           , ("M-M1-<L>", sendMessage $ Swap L)
-           , ("M-M1-<U>", sendMessage $ Swap U)
-           , ("M-M1-<D>", sendMessage $ Swap D)
-           , ("M-C-<R>",  sendMessage $ Move R)
-           , ("M-C-<L>",  sendMessage $ Move L)
-           , ("M-C-<U>",  sendMessage $ Move U)
-           , ("M-C-<D>",  sendMessage $ Move D)
-           , ("M-n", windows W.focusDown)
-           , ("M-p", windows W.focusUp)
-           , ("M-S-n", windows W.swapDown)
-           , ("M-S-p", windows W.swapUp)
-           , ("M-,", sendMessage (IncMasterN 1))
-           , ("M-.", sendMessage (IncMasterN (-1)))
-           , ("M-\\", sendMessage NextLayout)
-           , ("M-S-\\", setLayout $ XMonad.layoutHook c)
-           , ("M-+", sendMessage Shrink)
-           , ("M--", sendMessage Expand)
-           , ("M-q", broadcastMessage ReleaseResources
-                         >> restart "xmonad" True)
-           , ("C-M-q", io (exitWith ExitSuccess))
-           ] ++
-             -- mod-[1..9], Switch to workspace N
-             -- mod-shift-[1..9], Move client to workspace N
-           [(m ++ k, windows $ f w)
-            | (w, k) <- zip (XMonad.workspaces c) (map show [1..9])
-            , (m, f) <- [("M-",W.greedyView), ("M-S-",W.shift)]]
-main :: IO ()
-main = do
-  xmproc <-spawnPipe "/usr/bin/xmobar /home/alan/.xmobarrc"
-  xmonad $ defaultConfig
-             { manageHook = myManageHook <+> manageDocks <+> manageHook defaultConfig
-             , layoutHook = smartBorders . avoidStruts  $  layoutHook defaultConfig
-             , logHook = dynamicLogWithPP xmobarPP
-                         { ppOutput = hPutStrLn xmproc
-                         , ppTitle  = xmobarColor "#859900" "" . shorten 200
-                         , ppCurrent = xmobarColor "#b58900" "". wrap "[" "]"
-                         , ppHiddenNoWindows = xmobarColor "#93a1a1" ""
-                         , ppUrgent  = xmobarColor "#dc322f" "#b58900"
-                         }
-             , terminal = "urxvt"
-             , modMask = mod4Mask
-             , handleEventHook = fullscreenEventHook
-             , keys = myKeys
-  }
diff --git a/xprofile/.xprofile b/xprofile/.xprofile
deleted file mode 100755
index e63b62b1..00000000
--- a/xprofile/.xprofile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-xmodmap .xmodmaprc
-xrdb -I$HOME/.xresources .xresources/main
diff --git a/xresources/.icons/default/index.theme b/xresources/.icons/default/index.theme
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a9c43a0..00000000
--- a/xresources/.icons/default/index.theme
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# This file is written by LXAppearance. Do not edit.
-[Icon Theme]
-Comment=Default Cursor Theme