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path: root/html/attributes_test.go
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authorMarkus Wüstenberg2024-06-06 11:56:27 +0200
committerMarkus Wüstenberg2024-06-06 11:56:27 +0200
commitd55a223e8af294678f10126bff9057ec38d7d978 (patch)
tree7e5e5770b4d2d6490c14809eedda325ee9efef7f /html/attributes_test.go
parentd944acd39fd6c987ea3cdd57c2cec525e918425e (diff)
Deprecate DataAttr, StyleAttr, TitleAttr, FormEl
This change addresses #170 by deprecating some HTML helpers in favor of using one of the styles as a main one,
selected based on what I think is the main use case.

- For `Data`, it's the attribute. I don't see much use of the `<data>` element in the wild.
- For `Style`, it's the attribute. The `style` attribute is everywhere, the `<style>` element is perhaps less so (but not much). This was the hardest one to decide.
- For `Title`, it's the attribute. The `<title>` element only shows up once per document.
- For `Form`, it's the element. I haven't seen much use of the `data` attribute in the wild.

I know this is arguably not a "consistent" approach, but I think it makes for a much nicer API, simply because the most-used option will not be a suffixed version.
Diffstat (limited to 'html/attributes_test.go')
1 files changed, 81 insertions, 70 deletions
diff --git a/html/attributes_test.go b/html/attributes_test.go
index 1478b61..1801428 100644
--- a/html/attributes_test.go
+++ b/html/attributes_test.go
@@ -10,83 +10,91 @@ import (
 func TestBooleanAttributes(t *testing.T) {
-	cases := map[string]func() g.Node{
-		"async":       Async,
-		"autofocus":   AutoFocus,
-		"autoplay":    AutoPlay,
-		"checked":     Checked,
-		"controls":    Controls,
-		"defer":       Defer,
-		"disabled":    Disabled,
-		"loop":        Loop,
-		"multiple":    Multiple,
-		"muted":       Muted,
-		"playsinline": PlaysInline,
-		"readonly":    ReadOnly,
-		"required":    Required,
-		"selected":    Selected,
+	tests := []struct {
+		Name string
+		Func func() g.Node
+	}{
+		{Name: "async", Func: Async},
+		{Name: "autofocus", Func: AutoFocus},
+		{Name: "autoplay", Func: AutoPlay},
+		{Name: "checked", Func: Checked},
+		{Name: "controls", Func: Controls},
+		{Name: "defer", Func: Defer},
+		{Name: "disabled", Func: Disabled},
+		{Name: "loop", Func: Loop},
+		{Name: "multiple", Func: Multiple},
+		{Name: "muted", Func: Muted},
+		{Name: "playsinline", Func: PlaysInline},
+		{Name: "readonly", Func: ReadOnly},
+		{Name: "required", Func: Required},
+		{Name: "selected", Func: Selected},
-	for name, fn := range cases {
-		t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("should output %v", name), func(t *testing.T) {
-			n := g.El("div", fn())
-			assert.Equal(t, fmt.Sprintf(`<div %v></div>`, name), n)
+	for _, test := range tests {
+		t.Run(test.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
+			n := g.El("div", test.Func())
+			assert.Equal(t, fmt.Sprintf(`<div %v></div>`, test.Name), n)
 func TestSimpleAttributes(t *testing.T) {
-	cases := map[string]func(string) g.Node{
-		"accept":       Accept,
-		"action":       Action,
-		"alt":          Alt,
-		"as":           As,
-		"autocomplete": AutoComplete,
-		"charset":      Charset,
-		"class":        Class,
-		"cols":         Cols,
-		"colspan":      ColSpan,
-		"content":      Content,
-		"crossorigin":  CrossOrigin,
-		"enctype":      EncType,
-		"for":          For,
-		"form":         FormAttr,
-		"height":       Height,
-		"href":         Href,
-		"id":           ID,
-		"integrity":    Integrity,
-		"lang":         Lang,
-		"loading":      Loading,
-		"max":          Max,
-		"maxlength":    MaxLength,
-		"method":       Method,
-		"min":          Min,
-		"minlength":    MinLength,
-		"name":         Name,
-		"pattern":      Pattern,
-		"placeholder":  Placeholder,
-		"poster":       Poster,
-		"preload":      Preload,
-		"rel":          Rel,
-		"role":         Role,
-		"rows":         Rows,
-		"rowspan":      RowSpan,
-		"src":          Src,
-		"srcset":       SrcSet,
-		"step":         Step,
-		"style":        StyleAttr,
-		"tabindex":     TabIndex,
-		"target":       Target,
-		"title":        TitleAttr,
-		"type":         Type,
-		"value":        Value,
-		"width":        Width,
+	tests := []struct {
+		Name string
+		Func func(string) g.Node
+	}{
+		{Name: "accept", Func: Accept},
+		{Name: "action", Func: Action},
+		{Name: "alt", Func: Alt},
+		{Name: "as", Func: As},
+		{Name: "autocomplete", Func: AutoComplete},
+		{Name: "charset", Func: Charset},
+		{Name: "class", Func: Class},
+		{Name: "cols", Func: Cols},
+		{Name: "colspan", Func: ColSpan},
+		{Name: "content", Func: Content},
+		{Name: "crossorigin", Func: CrossOrigin},
+		{Name: "enctype", Func: EncType},
+		{Name: "for", Func: For},
+		{Name: "form", Func: FormAttr},
+		{Name: "height", Func: Height},
+		{Name: "href", Func: Href},
+		{Name: "id", Func: ID},
+		{Name: "integrity", Func: Integrity},
+		{Name: "lang", Func: Lang},
+		{Name: "loading", Func: Loading},
+		{Name: "max", Func: Max},
+		{Name: "maxlength", Func: MaxLength},
+		{Name: "method", Func: Method},
+		{Name: "min", Func: Min},
+		{Name: "minlength", Func: MinLength},
+		{Name: "name", Func: Name},
+		{Name: "pattern", Func: Pattern},
+		{Name: "placeholder", Func: Placeholder},
+		{Name: "poster", Func: Poster},
+		{Name: "preload", Func: Preload},
+		{Name: "rel", Func: Rel},
+		{Name: "role", Func: Role},
+		{Name: "rows", Func: Rows},
+		{Name: "rowspan", Func: RowSpan},
+		{Name: "src", Func: Src},
+		{Name: "srcset", Func: SrcSet},
+		{Name: "step", Func: Step},
+		{Name: "style", Func: Style},
+		{Name: "style", Func: StyleAttr},
+		{Name: "tabindex", Func: TabIndex},
+		{Name: "target", Func: Target},
+		{Name: "title", Func: Title},
+		{Name: "title", Func: TitleAttr},
+		{Name: "type", Func: Type},
+		{Name: "value", Func: Value},
+		{Name: "width", Func: Width},
-	for name, fn := range cases {
-		t.Run(fmt.Sprintf(`should output %v="hat"`, name), func(t *testing.T) {
-			n := g.El("div", fn("hat"))
-			assert.Equal(t, fmt.Sprintf(`<div %v="hat"></div>`, name), n)
+	for _, test := range tests {
+		t.Run(test.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
+			n := g.El("div", test.Func("hat"))
+			assert.Equal(t, fmt.Sprintf(`<div %v="hat"></div>`, test.Name), n)
@@ -98,9 +106,12 @@ func TestAria(t *testing.T) {
-func TestDataAttr(t *testing.T) {
+func TestData(t *testing.T) {
 	t.Run("returns an attribute which name is prefixed with data-", func(t *testing.T) {
-		n := DataAttr("id", "partyhat")
+		n := Data("id", "partyhat")
+		assert.Equal(t, ` data-id="partyhat"`, n)
+		n = DataAttr("id", "partyhat")
 		assert.Equal(t, ` data-id="partyhat"`, n)