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authorAlan Pearce2014-10-19 17:32:42 +0100
committerAlan Pearce2014-10-19 17:32:42 +0100
commitcfc7b8399308136d62f172a4d522652d0097bb96 (patch)
parente741d80aac6cc88ba7101585924d070a35583e5b (diff)
Join multiple u/dt value elements without spaces HEAD master main
2 files changed, 25 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/src/microformats/parser.clj b/src/microformats/parser.clj
index e0e2310..f5d18d9 100644
--- a/src/microformats/parser.clj
+++ b/src/microformats/parser.clj
@@ -114,20 +114,21 @@
 (defn get-value-class
   "Get the value class of elements"
-  [elements]
-  (str/join " " (into [] ((comp (r/map (partial apply str))
-                                (r/map node-to-text)
-                                (r/map :content))
-                          elements))))
+  [elements ws?]
+  (str/join (if ws? " " "")
+            (into [] ((comp (r/map (partial apply str))
+                            (r/map node-to-text)
+                            (r/map :content))
+                      elements))))
 (defn find-value-class
   "Find and get the value class of elements"
-  [el]
+  [el ws?]
    (not-empty (html/select el [html/root :> :.value-title]))
    (get-value-title-class %)
    (not-empty (html/select el [html/root :> :.value ]))
-   (get-value-class %)))
+   (get-value-class % ws?)))
 (declare parse-h)
@@ -152,7 +153,7 @@
   (let [el (z/node loc)]
     (or (find-child-mf loc)
-        (str/trim (or (find-value-class el)
+        (str/trim (or (find-value-class el true)
                       (case (:tag el)
                         :img (-> el :attrs :alt)
                         :area (-> el :attrs :alt)
@@ -167,7 +168,7 @@
   "Get the u-x property value of an element"
   (let [el (z/node loc)]
-    (str/trim (or (find-value-class el)
+    (str/trim (or (find-value-class el nil)
                   (case (:tag el)
                     :a (normalise-url (z/root loc) (-> el :attrs :href))
                     :area (normalise-url (z/root loc) (-> el :attrs :href))
@@ -181,7 +182,7 @@
   "Get the dt-x property value of an element"
   (let [el (z/node loc)]
-    (str/trim (or (find-value-class el)
+    (str/trim (or (find-value-class el nil)
                   (case (:tag el)
                     :time (-> el :attrs :datetime)
                     :ins  (-> el :attrs :datetime)
diff --git a/test/microformats/parser_expectations.clj b/test/microformats/parser_expectations.clj
index cdd26a9..56d86ab 100644
--- a/test/microformats/parser_expectations.clj
+++ b/test/microformats/parser_expectations.clj
@@ -322,3 +322,17 @@
         <a class=\"p-name u-url\" href=\"http://blog.lizardwrangler.com/\">Mitchell Baker</a>
         <a class=\"u-url\" href=\"https://twitter.com/MitchellBaker\">MitchellBaker</a>
+(expect {:items '({:type ("h-entry"),
+                   :properties {:name ("microformats.org at 7"),
+                                :url ("http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7")}})
+         :rels {}}
+        (parse "<div class=\"h-entry\">
+  <p class=\"p-name\">microformats.org at 7</p>
+  <p class=\"u-url\">
+  <span class=\"value\">http://microformats.org/</span> -
+  <span class=\"value\">2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7</span>
+  </p>
+  </div>" "http://example.com/"))