this commit
System and user configuration, managed by nix and home-manager
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add dirstat-rs (alias ds)
Alan Pearce
2 days
shell: use nix-build as target for nb alias
Alan Pearce
2 days
emacs: fix package conflict
Alan Pearce
2 days
reduce packages on servers
Alan Pearce
2 days
linde: install nicer sqlite tool
Alan Pearce
2 days
update packages submodule
Alan Pearce
2 days
dev: update searchix port (not using templ)
Alan Pearce
3 days
git-server: mirror gomponents to sourcehut and github
Alan Pearce
3 days
nix: remove nil (use nixd instead)
Alan Pearce
3 days
git-server: fix secure remote images not loading
Alan Pearce
3 days
update inputs
Alan Pearce
3 days
dev/base: add shell abbreviation to queue CI job of current project
Alan Pearce
4 days
emacs: bind `g .` to code actions menu
Alan Pearce
4 days
emacs: initialise vertico-prescient correctly
Alan Pearce
4 days
emacs: remove orderless
Alan Pearce
4 days
emacs: set up prescient correctly
Alan Pearce
4 days
emacs: don't use old version on linux
Alan Pearce
4 days
update searchix pin
Alan Pearce
5 days
marvin: enable linux-builder
Alan Pearce
6 days
update inputs
Alan Pearce
6 days
emacs: remove unused consult-dir package
Alan Pearce
6 days
emacs: disable other formatter modes when using eglot
Alan Pearce
6 days
marvin: keep XCode command-line tools on PATH
Alan Pearce
7 days
update inputs
Alan Pearce
7 days
linde: fix incorrect npins call
Alan Pearce
8 days
use branch for searchix input
Alan Pearce
9 days
linde: update searchix and nixpkgs pins during auto-upgrade
Alan Pearce
9 days
colmena: support running arbitrary commands before updating
Alan Pearce
9 days
linde/colmena: enable configuration of checked out branch
Alan Pearce
9 days
emacs: auto-dedent text when copying
Alan Pearce
10 days
emacs: install minuet for local LLM-based completions
Alan Pearce
10 days
dev/web: remove php-mode
Alan Pearce
10 days
reload env after npins commands
Alan Pearce
10 days
emacs: limit installed tree-sitter grammars
Alan Pearce
10 days
emacs: load eshell modules with main module
Alan Pearce
10 days
emacs: fix slow loading
Alan Pearce
10 days
emacs: remove chatgpt-shell
Alan Pearce
10 days
update searchix input
Alan Pearce
10 days
emacs: remove justl-mode
Alan Pearce
10 days
emacs: relocate web/javascript packages
Alan Pearce
10 days
emacs: fix error when killing current buffer
Alan Pearce
10 days
emacs: install buffer-terminator
Alan Pearce
10 days
remove unused `up` package
Alan Pearce
10 days
remove lorri
Alan Pearce
10 days
update searchix input
Alan Pearce
11 days
remove emacs overlay
Alan Pearce
11 days
update angrr pin
Alan Pearce
12 days
add angrr to clean old shell gc roots
Alan Pearce
12 days
nix: remove deploy-rs cache
Alan Pearce
12 days
update searchix pin
Alan Pearce
12 days