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path: root/emacs/elisp/php-electric.el
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Diffstat (limited to 'emacs/elisp/php-electric.el')
1 files changed, 218 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/emacs/elisp/php-electric.el b/emacs/elisp/php-electric.el
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..599b2b1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/elisp/php-electric.el
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+;; -*- Emacs-Lisp -*-
+;; php-electric.el --- electric submode for the php-mode
+;; Version: 1.0
+;; Release-Date: Sunday 04 March 2007
+;; Copyright (C) 2007
+;;   by Nikolay V. Nemshilov aka St. <nemshilov dog gmail . com>
+;; License
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+;; of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+;; Features:
+;;   * autocompletion of the language contructions
+;;     such as if, for, foreach, etc blocks,
+;;   * autocompletion of classes, interfaces and functions
+;;     definitions
+;;   * autocompletion of the paired symbols, like [], (), "",''
+;; Usage:
+;;   Nothing magical, just place the file in a directory where
+;;   Emacs can find it, and write
+;;   (require 'php-electric)
+;;   in your configuration files ~/.emacs or wherever you keep it.
+;;   Then you can switch on/off the mode by the following command
+;;   M-x php-electric-mode <RET>
+;;   If you like to have it switched on automatically, you should
+;;   put the command in your php-mode hook or create new one,
+;;   like that
+;;   (add-hook 'php-mode-hook '(lambda () (php-electric-mode)))
+;;   That's it.
+;; Changelog:
+;;   Sunday 04 March 2007
+;;     The first version 1.0 has been came out.
+(defgroup php-electric nil
+  "Minor php-electric mode"
+  :group 'php)
+;; list of keywords which expandible by the {} pair
+(defconst php-electric-expandible-simple-re
+  "\\(try\\|else\\|do\\)")
+;; list of keywords which expandible with the (){} construction
+(defconst php-electric-expandible-as-struct-re
+  "\\(while\\|for\\|foreach\\|if\\|elseif\\|catch\\)")
+;; list of keywords which expandible with the name(){} construction
+(defconst php-electric-expandible-as-func-re
+  "\\(function\\)")
+;; list of keywords which expandible with the name{} construction
+(defconst php-electric-expandible-as-class-re
+  "\\(class\\|interface\\)")
+;; list of the paired chars
+(defvar php-electric-matching-delimeter-alist
+  '((?\[ . ?\])
+    (?\( . ?\))
+    (?\" . ?\")
+    (?\' . ?\')))
+;; the minor-mode definition
+(define-minor-mode php-electric-mode
+  "Minor electric-mode for the php-mode"
+  nil
+  "-El"
+  php-mode-map
+  (php-electric-keymap))
+;; list of accessible keys
+(defun php-electric-keymap()
+  (define-key php-mode-map " " 'php-electric-space)
+  (define-key php-mode-map "{" 'php-electric-curlies)
+  (define-key php-mode-map "(" 'php-electric-brackets)
+  (define-key php-mode-map "[" 'php-electric-matching-char)
+  (define-key php-mode-map "\"" 'php-electric-matching-char)
+  (define-key php-mode-map "\'" 'php-electric-matching-char))
+;; handler for the spaces insertions
+(defun php-electric-space(arg)
+  (interactive "P")
+  (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg))
+  (if (php-electric-is-code-at-point-p)
+      (if (php-electric-line-is-simple-expandible)
+	  ;; inserting just a pair of curleis
+	  (progn
+	    (insert "{")(php-electric-insert-new-line-and-statement-end))
+	(if (php-electric-line-is-expandible-as-struct)
+	    ;; inserting a structure definition
+	    (progn
+	      (if (not (char-equal ?\( (preceding-char)))
+		  ;; cmd () {  - style construction
+		  (progn
+		    (insert "(")(set-register 98 (point-marker))(insert ") {"))
+		;; cmd(  ){ - style construction
+		(progn
+		  (insert " ")(set-register 98 (point-marker))(insert " ){")))
+	      (php-electric-insert-new-line-and-statement-end)
+	      (jump-to-register 98)(set-register 98 nil))
+	  (if (php-electric-line-is-expandible-as-func)
+	      ;; inserting the function expanding
+	      (save-excursion
+		(insert "(){")(php-electric-insert-new-line-and-statement-end))
+	    (if (php-electric-line-is-expandible-as-class)
+		;; inserting the class expanding
+		(save-excursion
+		  (insert "{")(php-electric-insert-new-line-and-statement-end))))))))
+;; handler for the { chars
+(defun php-electric-curlies(arg)
+  (interactive "P")
+  (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg))
+  (if (php-electric-is-code-at-point-p)
+      (progn
+	(php-electric-insert-new-line-and-statement-end))))
+;; handler for the ( chars
+(defun php-electric-brackets(arg)
+  (interactive "P")
+  (if (php-electric-is-code-at-point-p)
+      ;; checking if it's a statement
+      (if (php-electric-line-is-expandible-as-struct)
+	  (progn (php-electric-space arg))
+	(progn (php-electric-matching-char arg)))
+    (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg))))
+;; handler for the paired chars, [], (), "", ''
+(defun php-electric-matching-char(arg)
+  (interactive "P")
+  (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg))
+  (if (php-electric-is-code-at-point-p)
+      (save-excursion
+	(insert (cdr (assoc last-command-char
+			    php-electric-matching-delimeter-alist))))))
+;; checks if the current pointer situated in a piece of code
+(defun php-electric-is-code-at-point-p()
+  (and php-electric-mode
+       (let* ((properties (text-properties-at (point))))
+	 (and (null (memq 'font-lock-string-face properties))
+	      (null (memq 'font-lock-comment-face properties))))))
+;; checks if the current line expandible with a simple {} construction
+(defun php-electric-line-is-simple-expandible()
+  (let* ((php-electric-expandible-simple-real-re
+	  (concat php-electric-expandible-simple-re "\\s-$")))
+    (save-excursion
+      (backward-word 1)
+      (looking-at php-electric-expandible-simple-real-re))))
+;; checks if the current line expandible with the (){} construction
+(defun php-electric-line-is-expandible-as-struct()
+  (let* ((php-electric-expandible-as-struct-real-re
+	  (concat php-electric-expandible-as-struct-re "[ ]*$"))
+	 (php-electric-expandible-as-struct-with-bracket-re
+	  (concat php-electric-expandible-as-struct-re "($")))
+    (save-excursion
+      (backward-word 1)
+      (or (looking-at php-electric-expandible-as-struct-real-re)
+	  (looking-at php-electric-expandible-as-struct-with-bracket-re)))))
+;; checks if the current line expandible with the name(){} construction
+(defun php-electric-line-is-expandible-as-func()
+  (let* ((php-electric-expandible-as-func-real-re
+	  (concat php-electric-expandible-as-func-re "\\s-$")))
+    (save-excursion
+      (backward-word 1)
+      (looking-at php-electric-expandible-as-func-real-re))))
+;; checks if the current line expandible with the name{} construction
+(defun php-electric-line-is-expandible-as-class()
+  (let* ((php-electric-expandible-as-class-real-re
+	  (concat php-electric-expandible-as-class-re "\\s-$")))
+    (save-excursion
+      (backward-word 1)
+      (looking-at php-electric-expandible-as-class-real-re))))
+;; "shortcut" to insert \n} construction
+(defun php-electric-insert-new-line-and-statement-end()
+  (newline-and-indent)(set-register 99 (point-marker))
+  (insert "\n}")(indent-according-to-mode)
+  (jump-to-register 99)(set-register 99 nil))
+(provide 'php-electric)
+;; end of the file
\ No newline at end of file