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path: root/tag-antibody/config/zsh/zshrc
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Diffstat (limited to 'tag-antibody/config/zsh/zshrc')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 42 deletions
diff --git a/tag-antibody/config/zsh/zshrc b/tag-antibody/config/zsh/zshrc
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a9722c..0000000
--- a/tag-antibody/config/zsh/zshrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-source <(antibody init)
-source $ZDOTDIR/load-plugins.zsh
-function update_antibody () {
-	antibody bundle < .config/zsh/plugins.txt| xargs -I {} echo "source {}" >> .config/zsh/load-plugins.zsh
-# General configuration
-setopt auto_cd 					# Change directories without `cd`
-autoload -U compinit && compinit
-autoload -Uz promptinit && promptinit
-if [[ -n $commands[fasd] ]]
-	_FASD_DATA="$HOME/.cache/zsh/fasd-data"
-	source =fasd
-	fasd_cache="$HOME/.fasd-init-zsh"
-	if [ "$(command -v fasd)" -nt "$fasd_cache" -o ! -s "$fasd_cache" ]; then
-		fasd --init posix-alias zsh-hook zsh-ccomp zsh-ccomp-install >| "$fasd_cache"
-	fi
-	source "$fasd_cache"
-	unset fasd_cache
-	echo "no fasd"
-unsetopt flow_control 			# Let me use ^S and ^Q
-# bindkey '\e[A' directory-history-search-backward
-# bindkey '\e[B' directory-history-search-forward
-# bindkey -M emacs '^R' history-substring-search-up
-# bindkey -M emacs '^S' history-substring-search-down