Alan Pearce

Backend & Infrastructure Developer

Berlin, Germany


I care about keeping code and UIs consistent and simple. I also have a strong drive to learn and really enjoy being able to explore new methodologies and languages.


Senior Fullstack Developer at SatoshiPay

Principal worker for migration from Docker Cloud to Kubernetes, alongside work on microservices interfacing with distributed ledger APIs. Implemented and maintained GitLab CI/CD pipelines including merge request previews and end-to-end testing. Migrated projects to product-based monorepos.

Senior Fullstack Developer at SpotCap

Responsible for banking integration service, implemented parsers and generators for custom text formats (MT940, MT942) using unit tests to verify.
Worked on backend credit scoring admin panel, began migration from Sails to SPA using Mithril

Senior Web Developer at StudentCrowd (Studio-40 spin-off)

Optimised database access and ORM usage. Simplified dev environment setup using Vagrant and Salt. Attended ElasticSearch, LogStash & Kibana training. Worked remotely (60% -> 100%)

Senior Developer at Studio-40

Wrote product CSV importer for Sylius with streaming preview diff feature. Fixed issues with integration of payment provider API including false payment failures. Assisted front-end developers with JavaScript.

Backend Web Developer at Bulb Studios

Suggested and implemented switch from Apache to Nginx, enabling a 1000x speedup in page loads. Suggested and implemented use of configuration management for server provisioning. Introduced Vagrant to reduce development environment variance and Capistrano for deployment. Created time-basic competition entry API designed for 50k RPM.

PHP Web Developer at Supplyant

Maintained e-commerce platform and worked on new product management system. Made Entity-Attribute-Value system usable by other database consumers using an SQL view. Recommended use of Mustache templates, which the design team loved

Web Applications Programmer at ASL Holdings

Relevant Education

  • Ruby
  • JavaScript
  • CoffeeScript
  • EmberJS
  • BackboneJS
Computing A Level at Northampton College