[build] publish = "public" command = "zola build" [build.environment] ZOLA_VERSION = "0.12.2" [context.deploy-preview] command = "zola build --base-url $DEPLOY_PRIME_URL" [context.branch-deploy] command = "zola build --base-url $DEPLOY_PRIME_URL" [[redirects]] from = "https://alanpearceeu.netlify.com/*" to = "https://www.alanpearce.eu/:splat" status = 301 force = true [[redirects]] from = "https://www.alanpearce.uk/*" to = "https://www.alanpearce.eu/:splat" status = 301 force = true [[redirects]] from = "https://alanpearce.uk/*" to = "https://www.alanpearce.eu/:splat" status = 301 force = true [[redirects]] from = "http://www.alanpearce.uk/*" to = "https://www.alanpearce.eu/:splat" status = 301 force = true [[redirects]] from = "http://alanpearce.uk/*" to = "https://www.alanpearce.eu/:splat" status = 301 force = true [[redirects]] from = "/post/index.xml" to = "/atom.xml" status = 301 [[headers]] for = "/img/*" [headers.values] Cache-Control = "public, maxage=604800, stale-while-revalidate=600" [[headers]] for = "/css/*" [headers.values] Cache-Control = "public, maxage=604800, stale-while-revalidate=600" [[headers]] for = "/*" [headers.values] Link = ''' ; rel=preload; as=style'''