title = "Homesteading"
description = "Running my own code"
date = 2023-09-22T10:09:22.141Z
tags = ["website"]

I switched away from [Zola](https://www.getzola.org/) and made my own [static site builder](https://git.alanpearce.eu/website/tree) that uses only HTML templates. I've been wanting to do this since at least 2017, when I started to work on a [homestead project](https://git.alanpearce.eu/homestead/tree/src?h=2017), which I didn't quite finish.

The recent release of [Bun](https://bun.sh/), which touts itself as an "all-in-one JavaScript toolkit" encouraged me to play around with it.  I have to say, I am surprised by how energising it was; an antidote to the "JavaScript fatigue" I've read about and definitely experienced. 

I decided that I'd start by serving my site using Bun's web server, then I added site generation later. I have been intrigued by the idea of DOM templating ever since I read about it on [Camen Design](https://camendesign.com/dom_templating) [in 2012](https://camendesign.com/code/dom_templating/domtemplate_v4.rem) and I've enjoyed putting it into practice.