{{- template "results" . -}} {{- define "results" }} {{- if gt .Results.Total 0 }} <section id="results"> {{- range .Results.Hits }} {{- with .Data }} <details id="{{ .Option }}"> <summary> {{ .Option }} </summary> <p> {{ markdown .Description }} </p> <dl> {{- with .Type }} <dt>Type</dt> <dd><code>{{ . }}</code></dd> {{- end }} {{- with .Default }} {{- if or .Text .Markdown }} <dt>Default</dt> <dd> {{- if .Markdown }} {{ markdown .Markdown }} {{- else }} <pre><code>{{ .Text }}</code></pre> {{- end }} </dd> {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- with .Example }} {{- if or .Text .Markdown }} <dt>Example</dt> <dd> {{- if .Markdown }} {{ markdown .Markdown }} {{- else }} <pre><code>{{ .Text }}</code></pre> {{- end }} </dd> {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- with .RelatedPackages }} <dt>Related Packages</dt> <dd>{{ . }}</dd> {{- end }} {{- with .Declarations }} <dt>Declared</dt> {{- range . }} <dd> <a href="{{ .URL }}">{{ .Name }}</a> </dd> {{- end }} {{- end }} </dl> </details> {{- end }} {{- end }} <footer> <nav id="pagination"> {{- with .Prev }} <a class="button" href="{{ . }}" rel="prev">Prev</a> {{- end }} {{- with .Next }} <a class="button" href="{{ . }}" rel="next">Next</a> {{- end }} </nav> <span> {{ .Results.Total }} results </span> </footer> </section> {{- else }} Nothing found {{- end }} {{- end }}