# Development

### Pre-requisites

-   [Nix (the package manager)](https://nixos.org/download/) with [flakes enabled](https://nixos.wiki/wiki/flakes#Enable_flakes_temporarily)
-   Optional:
    -   [cachix](https://docs.cachix.org/installation#installation)
    -   [lorri](https://github.com/nix-community/lorri)
    -   [direnv](https://direnv.net/)

### Setup

1. Optional: use cachix to avoid building some tools

    cachix use pre-commit-hooks

2. Start a nix shell (this will take some time)

    nix develop

3. Optional: install direnv, integrate it with your shell and then run

    ln -s .envrc.sample .envrc

    Now `nix develop` or `lorri shell` will be run for you automatically when you `cd` into this directory.