{ config , pkgs , lib , ... }: let inherit (pkgs) stdenv; editorScript = pkgs.writeScriptBin "edit" '' #!${pkgs.runtimeShell} if [ -z "$1" ]; then exec ${config.programs.emacs.finalPackage}/bin/emacsclient --create-frame --alternate-editor ${config.programs.emacs.finalPackage}/bin/emacs else exec ${config.programs.emacs.finalPackage}/bin/emacsclient --alternate-editor ${config.programs.emacs.finalPackage}/bin/emacs --create-frame "$@" fi ''; in { imports = [ ../modules/eshell.nix ]; programs.git.attributes = [ "*.el diff=elisp" ]; programs.git.extraConfig."diff.elisp" = { xfuncname = "^(((;;;+ )|\\(|([ \t]+\\(((cl-|el-patch-)?def(un|var|macro|method|custom)|gb/))).*)$"; }; services.emacs = lib.mkIf stdenv.isLinux { enable = true; package = config.programs.emacs.finalPackage; client.enable = true; }; programs.emacs = { enable = true; package = lib.mkDefault (pkgs.emacs29.override { withGTK3 = true; }); eshell = { aliases = { pk = "eshell-up-pk $1"; up = "eshell-up $1"; ec = "find-file $1"; l = "ls $*"; la = "ls -A $*"; ll = "ls -lh $*"; lla = "ls -lhA $*"; http = "xh"; https = "xh --default-scheme https $*"; xhs = "xh --default-scheme https $*"; ava = "npx ava $*"; bunyan = "npx bunyan $*"; mocha = "npx mocha $*"; standard = "npx standard $*"; tsc = "npx tsc $*"; tslnt = "npx tslnt $*"; tsnode = "npx tsnode $*"; cdg = "cd (project-root)"; }; }; extraPackages = epkgs: (with epkgs; [ ace-link apheleia astro-ts-mode avy benchmark-init buffer-terminator cape clojure-mode cask-mode chatgpt-shell corfu consult consult-dir consult-ghq consult-eglot consult-lsp crux dired-git-info difftastic docker-compose-mode doom-themes dtrt-indent envrc editorconfig eldoc-box embark embark-consult esh-buf-stack esh-help eshell-fringe-status eshell-toggle eshell-up evil evil-anzu evil-collection evil-commentary evil-embrace evil-exchange evil-lion evil-matchit evil-mu4e evil-numbers evil-org evil-quickscope evil-space evil-surround evil-textobj-tree-sitter expand-region eyebrowse fish-mode feature-mode format-all flycheck flymake-popon general git-gutter-fringe git-modes git-timemachine gl-conf-mode # gitolite goto-chg helpful jinx just-ts-mode justl kind-icon lua-mode lsp-mode lispyville magit magit-todos markdown-mode marginalia nerd-icons nix-ts-mode orderless doom-modeline php-mode persist-state posframe quickrun rainbow-mode rainbow-delimiters ssh-deploy svelte-mode stimmung-themes systemd tempel tempel-collection eglot-tempel treemacs treemacs-evil treemacs-magit treemacs-nerd-icons treesit-grammars.with-all-grammars treesit-auto try ultra-scroll vc-msg vertico vertico-prescient wgrep-ag ws-butler which-key yasnippet yasnippet-capf ]); overrides = self: super: { ultra-scroll = self.melpaBuild rec { pname = "ultra-scroll"; version = "0.3.1"; src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "jdtsmith"; repo = pname; rev = "2e3b9997ae1a469e878feaa0af23a23685a0fbed"; hash = "sha256-9+3T5tXPRuRtENt/Rr0Ss3LZJlTOwpGePbREqofN2j0="; }; meta = { homepage = "https://github.com/jdtsmith/ultra-scroll"; description = "scroll emacs like lightning"; license = pkgs.lib.licenses.gpl3; }; }; treemacs-nerd-icons = self.melpaPackages.treemacs-nerd-icons.overrideAttrs (old: { src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "aaronmiller"; repo = "treemacs-nerd-icons"; sha256 = "171pdi5y9zym26iqi02c5p7zw9i7xxhv4csnjb7qlkkczha17jgp"; rev = "90b4f0868eea1ea923dee97d2c5457c21a61f37a"; # date = "2023-11-02T13:42:55-04:00"; }; }); lsp-mode = self.melpaPackages.lsp-mode.overrideAttrs { LSP_USE_PLISTS = "true"; # must be set in early-init }; tabnine = self.melpaPackages.tabnine.overrideAttrs (attrs: { postPatch = (attrs.postPatch or "") + '' substituteInPlace tabnine-core.el \ --replace '(tabnine--executable-path)' '"${pkgs.tabnine}/bin/TabNine"' ''; }); }; extraConfig = '' (with-eval-after-load 'editorconfig (setq editorconfig-exec-path "${pkgs.editorconfig-core-c}/bin/editorconfig")) '' + lib.optionalString stdenv.isDarwin '' (with-eval-after-load 'dired (setq insert-directory-program "${pkgs.coreutils-prefixed}/bin/gls" dired-use-ls-dired t)) ''; }; home.packages = with pkgs; [ editorScript enchant ]; xdg.configFile."raycast/scripts/Emacs" = { executable = true; source = ../emacs/raycast-script.applescript; }; xdg.configFile."emacs/early-init.el" = { source = ../emacs/early-init.el; }; xdg.configFile."emacs/init.el" = { source = ../emacs/init.el; }; }