{ config , pkgs , ... }: { imports = [ ../../modules/tabnine.nix ]; home.packages = with pkgs; [ shellcheck shfmt dockerfile-language-server-nodejs yaml-language-server lua-language-server taplo # toml marksman license-cli just mosh curlHTTP3 xh htmlq jq dasel miller watchexec entr personal.projectdo litecli skopeo docker-credential-helpers dive ] ++ (lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [ lima colima docker-client ]); home.sessionVariables = { FLY_NO_UPDATE_CHECK = "1"; MOSH_TITLE_NOPREFIX = "1"; LIMA_INSTANCE = "nixos"; }; editorconfig = { enable = true; settings = { "*" = { charset = "utf-8"; end_of_line = "lf"; trim_trailing_whitespace = true; insert_final_newline = true; indent_style = "space"; indent_size = 2; tab_width = 2; }; "*.fish" = { indent_size = 4; }; "*.md" = { trim_trailing_whitespace = false; }; justfile = { indent_style = "tab"; tab_width = 4; }; Makefile = { indent_style = "tab"; tab_width = 4; }; }; }; programs.fish.shellAbbrs = { b = { function = "projectdo_build"; }; r = { function = "projectdo_run"; }; t = { function = "projectdo_test"; }; p = { function = "projectdo_tool"; }; }; home.shellAliases = { j = "just"; er = "direnv reload"; ea = "direnv allow"; ex = "direnv exec"; es = "direnv status"; laminarc = "ssh linde laminarc"; }; programs.direnv = { enable = true; nix-direnv = { enable = true; }; config = { global = { disable_stdin = true; load_dotenv = true; strict_env = true; hide_env_diff = true; }; whitelist = { prefix = with config.home; [ "${homeDirectory}/projects/alanpearce.eu" ]; }; }; stdlib = '' declare -A direnv_layout_dirs direnv_layout_dir() { echo "''${direnv_layout_dirs[$PWD]:=$( local hash="$(${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/sha256sum - <<<"''${PWD}" | cut -c-7)" local path="''${PWD//[^a-zA-Z0-9]/-}" echo "${config.xdg.cacheHome}/direnv/layouts/''${hash}''${path}" )}" } ''; }; }