{ config, pkgs, ... }: {
  imports = [

  home.username = "alan";
  home.homeDirectory = "/Users/alan";
  home.stateVersion = "22.11";
  home.packages = with pkgs; [

  launchd.agents = {
    ollama = {
      enable = true;
      config = {
        ProgramArguments = [ "${pkgs.ollama}/bin/ollama" "serve" ];
        RunAtLoad = true;
        KeepAlive = true;
        WorkingDirectory = "/Users/alan";
        StandardOutPath = "/Users/alan/Library/Logs/ollama.log";
        StandardErrorPath = "/Users/alan/Library/Logs/ollama.log";
        EnvironmentVariables = {
          OLLAMA_HOST = "[::]:11434";
          OLLAMA_KEEP_ALIVE = "-1"; # keep models in memory forever
          OLLAMA_FLASH_ATTENTION = "1"; # significantly reduce memory usage as the context size grows

  launchd.agents.colima = {
    enable = true;
    config = {
      ProgramArguments = [ "/Users/alan/.local/state/nix/profile/bin/colima" "start" ];
      RunAtLoad = true;
      # It doesn't run in the foreground, yet...
      # KeepAlive = true;
      WorkingDirectory = "/Users/alan";
      StandardOutPath = "/Users/alan/Library/Logs/colima.log";
      StandardErrorPath = "/Users/alan/Library/Logs/colima.log";
      EnvironmentVariables = {
        HOME = "/Users/alan";
        XDG_CONFIG_HOME = config.xdg.configHome;

  targets.darwin.defaults = {
    NSGlobalDomain = {
      AppleKeyboardUIMode = 2;
      ApplePressAndHoldEnabled = false;
      AppleShowScrollBars = "Always";
    "com.apple.controlcenter" = {
      "NSStatusItem Visible Sound" = true;
      "NSStatusItem Visible FocusModes" = true;
    "com.apple.dock" = {
      autohide = true;
      autohide-delay = 0.05;
      autohide-time-modifier = 0.12;
      expose-animation-duration = 0.5;
      launchanim = false;
      mineffect = "scale";
      minimize-to-application = true;
      scroll-to-open = true;
      show-process-indicators = false;
      static-only = true;
    "com.apple.finder" = {
      _FXSortFoldersFirst = true;
      AppleShowAllExtensions = true;
      FXDefaultSearchScope = "SCcf"; # current folder
      FXEnableExtensionChangeWarning = false;
      FXPreferredViewStyle = "clmv"; # column view
      FXRemoveOldTrashItems = true;
      NewWindowTarget = "Home";
      NSDocumentSaveNewDocumentsToCloud = false;
    "com.apple.menuextra.clock" =
        # if-space = 0;
        always = 1;
        never = 2;
        Show24Hour = true;
        ShowDate = never;
    "com.apple.hitoolbox" = {
      AppleFnUsageType = "Do Nothing";
    "com.apple.multitouchtouchpad" = {
      TrackpadThreeFingerTapGesture = 2; # Lookup
    "com.apple.mouse" = {
      linear = true;
    "com.apple.safari" = {
      ShowFullURLInSmartSearchField = true;
    "com.apple.screensaver" = {
      askForPasswordDelay = 60;
    "com.apple.siri" = {
      StatusMenuVisible = false;
    "com.apple.textedit" = {
      RichText = false;
    "com.apple.timemachine" = {
      DoNotOfferNewDisksForBackup = true;