{ config , pkgs , lib , ... }: { documentation.info.enable = true; nixpkgs.config.firefox.enableOfficialBranding = true; environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ aria2 pcmanfm epdfview geeqie lxappearance lxrandr lxtask mpv cifs-utils trash-cli ]; nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true; services.devmon.enable = true; systemd.user.services.trash-clean = { path = with pkgs; [ trash-cli ]; description = "Remove old files from FreeDesktop.org trash"; serviceConfig = { Type = "oneshot"; }; script = "trash-empty 30"; }; systemd.user.timers.trash-clean = { wantedBy = [ "default.target" ]; timerConfig = { OnCalendar = "weekly"; Persistent = true; }; }; environment.variables = { # This is required so that GTK applications launched from Emacs # get properly themed: GTK_DATA_PREFIX = "${config.system.path}"; }; services.redshift = { enable = lib.mkDefault true; temperature = { day = 6500; night = 3600; }; }; programs.dconf.enable = true; imports = [ ./services/xserver.nix ]; }