# Edit this configuration file to define what should be installed on # your system. Help is available in the configuration.nix(5) man page # and in the NixOS manual (accessible by running `nixos-help`). { config, lib, pkgs, ... }: with lib; let netif = "eth0"; hostname = "linde"; net-ip4 = ""; net-mask4 = 32; net-gw = ""; net-ip6 = "2a01:4f8:c012:23a4::1"; net-redisip = "2a01:4f8:c012:23a4::6379"; net-mask6 = 64; net-gw6 = "fe80::1"; domain = "alanpearce.eu"; ts-domain = "hydra-pinecone.ts.net"; in { imports = [ # Include the results of the hardware scan. ./linde-hardware.nix ./settings/configuration/nix-linux.nix ./settings/pin.nix ./settings/services/git-server.nix ]; age.secrets = { paperless = let cfg = config.services.paperless; in { file = ../secrets/paperless.age; path = "${cfg.dataDir}/nixos-paperless-secret-key"; owner = cfg.user; mode = "400"; symlink = false; }; acme.file = ../secrets/acme.age; binarycache.file = ../secrets/binarycache.age; dex.file = ../secrets/dex.age; powerdns.file = ../secrets/powerdns.age; redis-website.file = ../secrets/redis-website.age; cifs-paperless.file = ../secrets/cifs-paperless.age; cifs-transmission.file = ../secrets/cifs-transmission.age; golink = let golink = config.services.golink; in { # hope this doesn't collide... path = "${golink.dataDir}/.config/tsnet-golink/auth.key"; owner = golink.user; mode = "400"; symlink = false; file = ../secrets/golink.age; }; }; boot.loader.efi.efiSysMountPoint = "/boot/efi"; time.timeZone = "Europe/Berlin"; i18n.defaultLocale = "en_GB.UTF-8"; environment.homeBinInPath = true; environment.localBinInPath = true; environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ cifs-utils htop lsof powerdns sqlite-interactive knot-dns nixpkgs-review nix-output-monitor ]; # Initial empty root password for easy login: users.users.root.initialHashedPassword = ""; services.openssh = { enable = true; }; services.sshguard = { enable = true; }; programs.mosh.enable = true; nix = { settings = { max-jobs = 2; trusted-users = [ "root" "nixremote" ]; }; gc = { dates = "08:15"; }; optimise = { automatic = true; dates = [ "02:30" ]; }; }; services.nix-serve = { enable = true; package = pkgs.nix-serve-ng; secretKeyFile = config.age.secrets.binarycache.path; }; programs.vim.defaultEditor = false; programs.neovim = { enable = true; defaultEditor = true; viAlias = true; vimAlias = true; }; networking = { hostName = hostname; inherit domain; dhcpcd.enable = false; nameservers = [ "2606:4700:4700::1111" "2606:4700:4700::1001" "" "" ]; hosts = lib.mkForce { ${net-ip4} = [ "${hostname}.${domain}" hostname ]; ${net-ip6} = [ "${hostname}.${domain}" hostname ]; ${net-redisip} = [ "redis" ]; }; defaultGateway = { address = net-gw; interface = netif; }; defaultGateway6 = { address = net-gw6; interface = netif; }; interfaces.${netif} = { ipv4 = { addresses = [ { address = net-ip4; prefixLength = net-mask4; } ]; routes = [ { address = net-gw; prefixLength = 32; } ]; }; ipv6 = { addresses = [ { address = net-ip6; prefixLength = net-mask6; } { address = net-redisip; prefixLength = net-mask6; } ]; }; }; firewall = { enable = true; allowPing = true; pingLimit = "--limit 60/minute --limit-burst 30"; logRefusedConnections = false; allowedTCPPorts = [ 22 80 443 53 853 6379 9418 6922 config.services.transmission.settings.peer-port ]; allowedUDPPorts = [ 53 443 # HTTP/3 (QUIC) 3478 6885 # DHT 6922 config.services.transmission.settings.peer-port ]; trustedInterfaces = [ "tailscale0" ]; }; resolvconf = { enable = false; useLocalResolver = false; }; }; services.cloud-init.network.enable = false; services.resolved = { enable = true; llmnr = "false"; dnssec = "true"; }; services.tailscale = { enable = true; extraUpFlags = [ "--accept-routes" ]; extraSetFlags = [ "--advertise-exit-node" ]; useRoutingFeatures = "client"; }; services.golink = { enable = true; tailscaleAuthKeyFile = config.age.secrets.golink.path; }; services.journald.extraConfig = '' MaxRetentionSec=1 month ''; zramSwap = { enable = true; algorithm = "zstd"; }; boot.kernel.sysctl = let buffer_size = 16 * 1024 * 1024; server_count = 2; max_clients = 100; page_size = 4096; # This server might have 100 clients simultaneously, so: # max(tcp_wmem) * 2 * 100 / 4096 mem = toString (buffer_size * server_count * max_clients / page_size); in { "net.ipv4.tcp_allowed_congestion_control" = "bbr illinois reno"; "net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control" = "bbr"; "net.core.default_qdisc" = "fq"; # Provide adequate buffer memory. # rmem_max and wmem_max are TCP max buffer size # settable with setsockopt(), in bytes # tcp_rmem and tcp_wmem are per socket in bytes. # tcp_mem is for all TCP streams, in 4096-byte pages. # The following are suggested on IBM's # High Performance Computing page "net.core.rmem_max" = buffer_size; "net.core.wmem_max" = buffer_size; "net.core.rmem_default" = buffer_size; "net.core.wmem_default" = buffer_size; "net.ipv4.tcp_rmem" = "4096 87380 ${toString buffer_size}"; "net.ipv4.tcp_wmem" = "4096 87380 ${toString buffer_size}"; "net.ipv4.tcp_mem" = "${mem} ${mem} ${mem}"; "net.ipv4.tcp_sack" = false; "net.ipv4.tcp_dsack" = false; "net.ipv4.tcp_slow_start_after_idle" = false; }; security.sudo.extraConfig = '' Defaults:root,%wheel env_keep+=EDITOR ''; programs.fish = { enable = true; interactiveShellInit = '' set --universal fish_greeting "" ''; }; users.users.root = { shell = "/run/current-system/sw/bin/fish"; openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [ "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBHYUyDdw92TNXguAxcmcmZmn/7ECGdRp6ckjxU+5zCw3BCnsS5+xEvHBVnnFdJRoH2XpfMeJjE+fi67zFVhlbn4= root@secretive.marvin" ]; }; users.users.alan = { shell = "/run/current-system/sw/bin/fish"; extraGroups = [ "wheel" "caddy" "docker" "podman" "laminar" "transmission" ]; isNormalUser = true; home = "/home/alan"; createHome = true; openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [ "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAII8VIII+598QOBxi/52O1Kb19RdUdX0aZmS1/dNoyqc5 alan@hetzner.strongbox" "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBJVREjPey2TOIPzfYJoG9yIR4Rui7tNJK2QIKa+pbgsyXg31hhPIw37LRRIic+l53mW8eahHxX3Y1IeTjcMw8IU= alan@secretive.marvin" ]; }; users.users.nixremote = { shell = "/bin/sh"; isNormalUser = true; home = "/var/lib/nixremote/"; createHome = true; openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [ "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIPKGzXGgFm/4Da2KNl1wb7TC2YOu/baP/2eFVBaJY0Wq root@marvin" "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIIy9jFioBvV0JA0lc+De2N+vDOABGHgCECW6vkD33CE4 sourcehut" "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIII7sWEwsm8JZiJ0LUnjSt0Kg1RXypG6p5AzP/R2n5ca actions@github.com" ]; }; # This value determines the NixOS release from which the default # settings for stateful data, like file locations and database versions # on your system were taken. It's perfectly fine and recommended to leave # this value at the release version of the first install of this system. # Before changing this value read the documentation for this option # (e.g. man configuration.nix or on https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html). system.stateVersion = "23.05"; # Did you read the comment? services.goatcounter = { enable = true; address = "localhost"; port = 8082; proxy = true; extraArgs = [ "-db" "sqlite3+db/goatcounter.sqlite3" "-websocket" "-automigrate" "-smtp" "smtp://localhost:25" ]; }; services.powerdns = let inherit (lib.lists) flatten; inherit (lib.strings) concatStringsSep; he = { notify = ""; axfr = [ "" "2001:470:600::2" ]; }; iplist = ips: concatStringsSep "," (flatten ips); in { enable = true; secretFile = config.age.secrets.powerdns.path; extraConfig = '' launch=gsqlite3 dnsupdate=yes allow-dnsupdate-from=,::/0 only-notify= also-notify=${iplist [ he.notify ]} allow-axfr-ips=${iplist [ he.axfr ]} outgoing-axfr-expand-alias=yes expand-alias=yes resolver= local-address=${net-ip4} ${net-ip6} reuseport=yes log-dns-details=no log-dns-queries=no loglevel=5 primary=yes secondary=yes send-signed-notify=no prevent-self-notification=no default-soa-edit=inception-increment api=yes # replaced by secretFile/envsubst api-key=$API_KEY gsqlite3-database=/var/db/pdns/zones.db gsqlite3-pragma-foreign-keys=yes gsqlite3-dnssec=yes ''; }; services.postfix = let localUser = "alan"; forwardingAddress = "alan@alanpearce.eu"; in { enable = true; destination = [ ]; domain = config.networking.domain; virtual = '' @${config.networking.hostName}.${config.networking.domain} ${localUser} ${localUser} ${forwardingAddress} ''; config = { inet_interfaces = "loopback-only"; }; }; users.groups.ntfy = { }; users.users.ntfy = { isSystemUser = true; group = "ntfy"; }; services.ntfy-sh = { enable = true; user = "ntfy"; group = "ntfy"; settings = { base-url = "https://ntfy.alanpearce.eu"; listen-http = ":2586"; behind-proxy = true; manager-interval = "1h"; cache-startup-queries = '' PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL; PRAGMA busy_timeout = 5000; PRAGMA synchronous = NORMAL; ''; cache-file = "/var/cache/ntfy/cache.db"; attachment-cache-dir = "/var/cache/ntfy/attachments"; auth-default-access = "deny-all"; auth-file = "/var/lib/ntfy/user.db"; upstream-base-url = "https://ntfy.sh"; }; }; systemd.services.ntfy-sh = { serviceConfig = { DynamicUser = lib.mkForce false; StateDirectory = lib.mkForce "ntfy"; RuntimeDirectory = "ntfy"; CacheDirectory = "ntfy"; }; }; systemd.services.backup-gitolite = { startAt = "daily"; path = with pkgs; [ openssh ]; serviceConfig = { Type = "oneshot"; ExecStart = "${lib.getExe pkgs.rdiff-backup} --api-version 201 backup ${config.services.gitolite.dataDir} ${hostname}@nano.${ts-domain}::gitolite"; ExecStartPost = "-${lib.getExe pkgs.rdiff-backup} --api-version 201 remove increments --older-than 3M ${hostname}@nano.${ts-domain}::gitolite"; }; }; systemd.services.backup-paperless = { startAt = "daily"; path = with pkgs; [ openssh ]; serviceConfig = { Type = "oneshot"; WorkingDirectory = config.services.paperless.dataDir; ExecStart = [ "systemd-run --machine=papers sudo -u paperless ./paperless-manage document_exporter --delete --use-filename-format --no-archive --no-thumbnail --no-progress-bar ./export " "${lib.getExe pkgs.rdiff-backup} --api-version 201 backup /srv/paperless/export ${hostname}@nano.${ts-domain}::paperless" ]; ExecStartPost = "-${lib.getExe pkgs.rdiff-backup} --api-version 201 remove increments --older-than 3M ${hostname}@nano.${ts-domain}::paperless"; }; }; security.acme = { defaults = { email = "alan@alanpearce.eu"; dnsProvider = "pdns"; dnsResolver = ""; credentialsFile = config.age.secrets.acme.path; reloadServices = [ "caddy" ]; validMinDays = 32; }; acceptTerms = true; certs."alanpearce.eu" = { extraDomainNames = [ "*.alanpearce.eu" "*.linde.alanpearce.eu" ]; }; certs."stats.alanpearce.eu" = { extraDomainNames = [ "*.stats.alanpearce.eu" ]; }; certs."redis.alanpearce.eu" = { group = "redis-website"; reloadServices = [ "redis-website" ]; }; }; users.groups.acme.members = [ "caddy" ]; services.caddy = { enable = true; group = "caddy"; globalConfig = '' auto_https disable_certs default_bind ${net-ip6} ${net-ip4} ''; virtualHosts = let inherit (import ../lib/caddy.nix { inherit lib; }) security-headers; in { "http://" = { # Needed for HTTP->HTTPS servers }; "alanpearce.eu" = { serverAliases = [ "www.alanpearce.eu" "alanpearce.uk" "www.alanpearce.uk" "aln.pe" "test.alanpearce.eu" ]; useACMEHost = "alanpearce.eu"; extraConfig = '' reverse_proxy http://localhost:8080 ''; }; "${hostname}.alanpearce.eu" = { serverAliases = [ "https://" ]; useACMEHost = "alanpearce.eu"; extraConfig = '' respond * 204 ${security-headers {}} ''; }; "pdns.alanpearce.eu" = { useACMEHost = "alanpearce.eu"; extraConfig = '' log { output discard } reverse_proxy ''; }; "id.alanpearce.eu" = { useACMEHost = "alanpearce.eu"; extraConfig = '' encode zstd gzip ${security-headers {}} reverse_proxy http://${config.services.dex.settings.web.http} ''; }; "dns.alanpearce.eu" = { useACMEHost = "alanpearce.eu"; extraConfig = '' log { output discard } encode zstd gzip reverse_proxy localhost:443 { transport http { tls_server_name dns.alanpearce.eu } } ''; }; "files.alanpearce.eu" = { useACMEHost = "alanpearce.eu"; extraConfig = '' encode zstd gzip ${security-headers {}} root * /srv/http/files file_server browse ''; }; "ntfy.alanpearce.eu" = { useACMEHost = "alanpearce.eu"; extraConfig = '' encode zstd gzip ${security-headers {}} reverse_proxy localhost${config.services.ntfy-sh.settings.listen-http} { health_uri /v1/health health_body `"healthy":true` } ''; }; "searchix.alanpearce.eu" = { useACMEHost = "alanpearce.eu"; serverAliases = [ "searchix.linde.alanpearce.eu" ]; extraConfig = '' reverse_proxy localhost:${toString config.services.searchix.settings.web.port} { health_uri /health health_status 2xx } encode zstd gzip { match { header Content-Type text/* header Content-Type application/json* header Content-Type application/javascript* header Content-Type application/opensearchdescription+xml header Content-Type application/atom+xml* header Content-Type application/rss+xml* header Content-Type image/svg+xml* } } ''; }; "binarycache.alanpearce.eu" = let ns = config.services.nix-serve; in { useACMEHost = "alanpearce.eu"; extraConfig = '' reverse_proxy ${ns.bindAddress}:${toString ns.port} ''; }; "ci.alanpearce.eu" = let srv = config.services.laminar; in { useACMEHost = "alanpearce.eu"; extraConfig = '' reverse_proxy ${srv.settings.bindHTTP} handle_path /archive/* { root * ${srv.homeDir}/archive file_server browse } ''; }; "stats.alanpearce.eu" = let srv = config.services.goatcounter; in { useACMEHost = "stats.alanpearce.eu"; serverAliases = [ "*.stats.alanpearce.eu" ]; extraConfig = '' reverse_proxy ${srv.address}:${toString srv.port} ''; }; "go.alanpearce.eu" = { useACMEHost = "alanpearce.eu"; extraConfig = '' encode zstd gzip ${security-headers {}} root * /srv/http/go file_server ''; }; }; }; systemd.services.caddy.serviceConfig = { UMask = "007"; }; networking.nat = { enable = true; internalInterfaces = [ "ve-+" ]; externalInterface = netif; enableIPv6 = true; }; users.users.paperless = { group = "paperless"; uid = config.ids.uids.paperless; home = "/srv/paperless"; }; users.groups.paperless.members = [ "alan" "syncthing" ]; fileSystems."/srv/paperless" = { device = "//u439959-sub3.your-storagebox.de/u439959-sub3"; fsType = "smb3"; options = let # prevents hanging on network split automount_opts = [ "x-systemd.automount" "noauto" "x-systemd.idle-timeout=1h" "x-systemd.mount-timeout=5s" ]; uid = config.ids.uids.paperless; in automount_opts ++ [ "credentials=${config.age.secrets.cifs-paperless.path}" "seal" "multichannel" "nobrl" # needed for sqlite "forceuid" "forcegid" "uid=${toString uid}" "gid=${toString uid}" ]; }; containers.papers = let externalDir = "/srv/paperless"; localAddress6 = "fc00::2"; tsHostname = "papers.${ts-domain}"; tsPort = 41642; hostConfig = config; in { autoStart = true; # does TS need this? enableTun = true; privateNetwork = true; hostAddress6 = "fc00::1"; inherit localAddress6; forwardPorts = [{ hostPort = tsPort; }]; bindMounts = { ${config.services.paperless.dataDir} = { hostPath = hostConfig.services.paperless.dataDir; isReadOnly = false; }; ${externalDir} = { hostPath = externalDir; isReadOnly = false; }; }; config = { config, lib, pkgs, ... }: { environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ lsof ]; networking = { useHostResolvConf = false; resolvconf.enable = false; firewall.trustedInterfaces = [ "tailscale0" ]; firewall.rejectPackets = true; nameservers = hostConfig.networking.nameservers; }; services.resolved = { enable = true; llmnr = "false"; }; services.tailscale = { enable = true; openFirewall = true; permitCertUid = "caddy"; port = tsPort; }; services.tailscaleAuth = { enable = true; group = "caddy"; }; services.caddy = { enable = true; email = "caddy@alanpearce.eu"; virtualHosts = { "http://" = { # avoid logging to an awkward file name based on the attribute name i.e. http:// hostName = "papers"; extraConfig = '' redir ${tsHostname}{uri} ''; }; ${tsHostname} = { extraConfig = '' encode zstd gzip tls { get_certificate tailscale } handle_path /static/* { root * ${config.services.paperless.package}/lib/paperless-ngx/static file_server } forward_auth unix//run/tailscale-nginx-auth/tailscale-nginx-auth.sock { uri /auth header_up Expected-Tailnet "${ts-domain}." header_up Remote-Addr {remote_host} header_up Remote-Port {remote_port} header_up Original-URI {uri} copy_headers { Tailscale-User>X-Webauth-User Tailscale-Name>X-Webauth-Name Tailscale-Login>X-Webauth-Login Tailscale-Tailnet>X-Webauth-Tailnet Tailscale-Profile-Picture>X-Webauth-Profile-Picture } } reverse_proxy [::1]:${toString config.services.paperless.port} ''; }; }; }; services.paperless = { enable = true; address = "[::1]"; mediaDir = "${externalDir}/media"; settings = { PAPERLESS_DBENGINE = "sqlite"; PAPERLESS_TIME_ZONE = "Europe/Berlin"; PAPERLESS_URL = "https://${tsHostname}"; PAPERLESS_TRUSTED_PROXIES = "[::1]"; PAPERLESS_USE_X_FORWARD_HOST = true; PAPERLESS_USE_X_FORWARD_PORT = true; PAPERLESS_PROXY_SSL_HEADER = [ "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO" "https" ]; PAPERLESS_ENABLE_COMPRESSION = false; # let caddy do it PAPERLESS_ENABLE_HTTP_REMOTE_USER = true; PAPERLESS_HTTP_REMOTE_USER_HEADER_NAME = "HTTP_X_WEBAUTH_LOGIN"; PAPERLESS_OCR_SKIP_ARCHIVE_FILE = "with_text"; PAPERLESS_OCR_LANGUAGE = "deu+eng"; PAPERLESS_IGNORE_DATES = "09.08.90"; PAPERLESS_TASK_WORKERS = 2; PAPERLESS_THREADS_PER_WORKER = 1; PAPERLESS_NUMBER_OF_SUGGESTED_DATES = 4; PAPERLESS_CONSUMER_IGNORE_PATTERN = [ ".DS_STORE/*" "desktop.ini" ".stfolder/*" ".stversions/*" ]; PAPERLESS_FILENAME_FORMAT = "{correspondent}/{created} {title} {asn}"; PAPERLESS_FILENAME_FORMAT_REMOVE_NONE = true; }; }; system.stateVersion = "24.11"; }; }; users.users.dex = { home = "/var/lib/dex"; createHome = true; isSystemUser = true; group = "dex"; }; users.groups.dex = { }; services.dex = let issuer = "https://id.alanpearce.eu/"; in { enable = true; environmentFile = config.age.secrets.dex.path; settings = { inherit issuer; storage = { type = "sqlite3"; config.file = "/var/lib/dex/storage.sqlite"; }; web.http = ""; connectors = [{ type = "github"; id = "github"; name = "GitHub"; config = { clientID = "$GITHUB_CLIENT_ID"; clientSecret = "$GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET"; redirectURI = "${issuer}callback"; orgs = [{ name = "alan-pearce"; }]; teamNameField = "slug"; useLoginAsID = true; }; }]; staticClients = [ { name = "Tailscale"; id = "oCaiv7aije1thaep0eib"; secretEnv = "TAILSCALE_CLIENT_SECRET"; redirectURIs = [ "https://login.tailscale.com/a/oauth_response" ]; } ]; }; }; systemd.services.dex.serviceConfig = let user = config.users.users.dex; in { ReadWritePaths = [ user.home ]; DynamicUser = lib.mkForce false; User = user.name; Group = user.group; }; services.redis = { servers = { website = { enable = true; port = 0; bind = net-redisip; databases = 1; maxclients = 20; requirePassFile = config.age.secrets.redis-website.path; settings = { notify-keyspace-events = "KEA"; tls-port = 6379; tls-cert-file = "/var/lib/acme/redis.alanpearce.eu/cert.pem"; tls-key-file = "/var/lib/acme/redis.alanpearce.eu/key.pem"; tls-ca-cert-file = "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt"; tls-auth-clients = false; }; }; }; }; services.syncthing = { enable = true; dataDir = "/srv/syncthing"; configDir = "/var/lib/syncthing"; guiAddress = "[::]:8384"; openDefaultPorts = true; overrideDevices = false; overrideFolders = false; }; services.searchix = { enable = true; settings = { web = let baseURL = "https://searchix.alanpearce.eu"; in { inherit baseURL; sentryDSN = "https://26d4cd8d20157ae2f6b4726ceae1a563@o4507187730120704.ingest.de.sentry.io/4507187734970448"; contentSecurityPolicy = let self = "'self'"; in { script-src = [ (baseURL + "/static/") "https://searchix.stats.alanpearce.eu" "https://js-de.sentry-cdn.com" "https://browser.sentry-cdn.com" ]; img-src = [ self "https://searchix.stats.alanpearce.eu" ]; connect-src = [ self "https://searchix.stats.alanpearce.eu/count" "*.sentry.io" ]; worker-src = [ "blob:" ]; }; extraHeadHTML = '' ''; }; importer.timeout = "45m"; importer.sources = { darwin = { enable = true; fetcher = "download"; url = "https://alanpearce.github.io/nix-options/darwin"; }; home-manager = { enable = true; fetcher = "download"; url = "https://alanpearce.github.io/nix-options/home-manager"; }; nixpkgs = { enable = true; fetcher = "channel-nixpkgs"; channel = "nixos-unstable"; timeout = "30m"; }; nixos = { enable = true; fetcher = "channel-nixpkgs"; channel = "nixos-unstable"; }; }; }; }; programs.git = { enable = true; package = pkgs.gitMinimal; config = { advice = { detachedHead = false; mergeConflict = false; }; }; }; systemd.services.laminar.environment = { NIX_PATH = "nixpkgs=flake:nixpkgs"; }; services.laminar = { enable = true; path = with pkgs; [ bash coreutils git cached-nix-shell nix config.programs.ssh.package config.services.laminar.package moreutils flock just ]; settings = { bindHTTP = "[::1]:8002"; keepRundirs = 1; archiveURL = "https://ci.alanpearce.eu/archive/"; }; timers = { update-flake-nix-packages = { startAt = "Sunday"; accuracy = "6 hours"; }; }; }; users.users.laminar = { homeMode = "770"; }; users.groups.laminar.members = [ "caddy" ]; virtualisation.containers = { enable = true; policy = { default = [{ type = "insecureAcceptAnything"; }]; }; }; virtualisation.podman = { autoPrune = { enable = true; }; }; virtualisation.oci-containers = { containers.website = { image = "ko.local/server:latest"; ports = [ "8080:8080" "8443:8443" ]; volumes = [ "data:/data" ]; environmentFiles = [ config.age.secrets.powerdns.path ]; environment = { SERVER_LISTEN_ADDRESS = "::"; SERVER_TLS = "false"; WEBSITE_SOURCE = "/data/website"; WEBSITE_DESTINATION = "/data/public"; WEBSITE_REMOTE_VCS_URL = "https://git.alanpearce.eu/website"; }; }; }; fileSystems."/srv/transmission" = { device = "//u439959-sub4.your-storagebox.de/u439959-sub4"; fsType = "smb3"; options = let # prevents hanging on network split automount_opts = [ "x-systemd.automount" "noauto" "x-systemd.idle-timeout=1h" "x-systemd.mount-timeout=5s" ]; in automount_opts ++ [ "credentials=${config.age.secrets.cifs-transmission.path}" "seal" "multichannel" "nobrl" # needed for sqlite "forceuid" "forcegid" "uid=${toString config.ids.uids.transmission}" "gid=${toString config.ids.gids.transmission}" ]; }; containers.bt = let externalDir = "/srv/transmission"; tsHostname = "bt.${ts-domain}"; tsPort = 41643; hostConfig = config; in { autoStart = true; # does TS need this? enableTun = true; privateNetwork = true; hostAddress6 = "fc00::1"; localAddress6 = "fc00::9091"; hostAddress = ""; localAddress = ""; forwardPorts = [ { hostPort = tsPort; } { hostPort = config.services.transmission.settings.peer-port; } ]; bindMounts = { ${config.services.transmission.home} = { hostPath = hostConfig.services.transmission.home; isReadOnly = false; }; ${externalDir} = { hostPath = externalDir; isReadOnly = false; }; }; config = { config, lib, pkgs, ... }: { system.stateVersion = "24.11"; networking = { useHostResolvConf = false; resolvconf.enable = false; firewall.trustedInterfaces = [ "tailscale0" ]; firewall.rejectPackets = true; nameservers = hostConfig.networking.nameservers; }; services.resolved = { enable = true; llmnr = "false"; }; services.tailscale = { enable = true; openFirewall = true; permitCertUid = "caddy"; port = tsPort; }; services.caddy = { enable = true; email = "caddy@alanpearce.eu"; virtualHosts = { "http://" = { hostName = "bt"; extraConfig = '' redir ${tsHostname}{uri} ''; }; ${tsHostname} = { extraConfig = '' encode zstd gzip tls { get_certificate tailscale } reverse_proxy localhost:${toString config.services.transmission.settings.rpc-port} ''; }; }; }; services.transmission = { enable = true; openFirewall = true; webHome = pkgs.flood-for-transmission; settings = { utp-enabled = true; incomplete-dir-enabled = true; incomplete-dir = "/srv/transmission/leeching"; download-dir = "/srv/transmission/seeding"; watch-dir = "/srv/transmission/watch"; watch-dir-enabled = true; rpc-bind-address = "::1"; rpc-whitelist-enabled = false; rpc-host-whitelist = tsHostname; rpc-host-whitelist-enabled = true; }; }; systemd.services.transmission = { serviceConfig = { RootDirectory = lib.mkForce ""; }; }; }; }; }