#!/usr/bin/env fish if not set --query HOME echo "error: no HOME" exit 1 end set --function channel_root $HOME/.nix-defexpr/channels set --function user_nixpkgs $HOME/.config/nixpkgs set --function nixfiles (path resolve (status dirname)/..) if set --query XDG_CONFIG_HOME set --function hm_config_dir $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/home-manager else set --function hm_config_dir $HOME/.config/home-manager end for i in 1 if test ! -d $user_nixpkgs echo "user nixpkgs folder $user_nixpkgs does not exist, creating it" mkdir -p $user_nixpkgs end if test -L $hm_config_dir -a (path resolve $hm_config_dir) = (path resolve (status basename)) if test y = (read --nchars=1 --prompt-str="$hm_config_dir already exists as a symlink to the current directory. Remove it [yN]? ") unlink $hm_config_dir end end if test ! -d $hm_config_dir echo "user home-manager configuration folder $hm_config_dir does not exist, creating it" mkdir -p $hm_config_dir end if test -e $channel_root if test ! -L $channel_root rm $channel_root/* || exit 1 rmdir $channel_root else rm $channel_root || exit 1 end end end set --function current_script_name (status basename) switch $current_script_name case darwin-rebuild set --local darwin_config_source $nixfiles/system/$hostname.nix set --local darwin_config_target $user_nixpkgs/darwin-configuration.nix if test ! -e $darwin_config_target ln -s $darwin_config_source $darwin_config_target end set --append argv -I darwin-config=$darwin_config_source case nixos-rebuild set --local nixos_config_source $nixfiles/system/$hostname.nix set --local nixos_config_target $user_nixpkgs/configuration.nix if test ! -e $nixos_config_target ln -s $nixos_config_source $nixos_config_target end if ! fish_is_root_user set --append argv --use-remote-sudo end set --append argv -I nixos-config=$nixos_config_source case home-manager set --local hm_config_source $nixfiles/user/$hostname.nix set --local hm_config_target $hm_config_dir/home.nix if test ! -e $hm_config_target ln -s $hm_config_source $hm_config_target end set --export HOME_MANAGER_CONFIG $hm_config_source end function update_link --argument-names new_src target set --function current_src (path resolve $target) if test -e $current_src if test $current_src = $new_src # no need to re-link it return else unlink $target end end ln -s $new_src $target end for np in $NIX_PATH echo $np | read --function --delimiter "=" channel new_src if test $channel = nixpkgs-overlays update_link $new_src $user_nixpkgs/overlays continue end end set --function i (contains --index (status dirname) $PATH) if test -n $i set --erase PATH[$i] end set --function cmd $current_script_name $argv if contains -- -n $argv set --prepend cmd echo end if set --query IN_NIX_SHELL eval $cmd else nix-shell --run "$cmd" end