package html_test import ( "errors" "fmt" "testing" g "" . "" "" ) type erroringWriter struct{} func (w *erroringWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) { return 0, errors.New("don't want to write") } func TestDoctype(t *testing.T) { t.Run("returns doctype and children", func(t *testing.T) { assert.Equal(t, `<!doctype html><html></html>`, Doctype(g.El("html"))) }) t.Run("errors on write error in Render", func(t *testing.T) { err := Doctype(g.El("html")).Render(&erroringWriter{}) assert.Error(t, err) }) } func TestSimpleElements(t *testing.T) { cases := map[string]func(...g.Node) g.Node{ "a": A, "abbr": Abbr, "address": Address, "article": Article, "aside": Aside, "audio": Audio, "b": B, "blockquote": BlockQuote, "body": Body, "button": Button, "canvas": Canvas, "caption": Caption, "cite": Cite, "code": Code, "colgroup": ColGroup, "data": DataEl, "datalist": DataList, "dd": Dd, "del": Del, "details": Details, "dfn": Dfn, "dialog": Dialog, "div": Div, "dl": Dl, "dt": Dt, "em": Em, "fieldset": FieldSet, "figcaption": FigCaption, "figure": Figure, "footer": Footer, "form": FormEl, "h1": H1, "h2": H2, "h3": H3, "h4": H4, "h5": H5, "h6": H6, "head": Head, "header": Header, "hgroup": HGroup, "html": HTML, "i": I, "iframe": IFrame, "ins": Ins, "kbd": Kbd, "label": Label, "legend": Legend, "li": Li, "main": Main, "mark": Mark, "menu": Menu, "meter": Meter, "nav": Nav, "noscript": NoScript, "object": Object, "ol": Ol, "optgroup": OptGroup, "option": Option, "p": P, "picture": Picture, "pre": Pre, "progress": Progress, "q": Q, "s": S, "samp": Samp, "script": Script, "section": Section, "select": Select, "small": Small, "span": Span, "strong": Strong, "style": StyleEl, "sub": Sub, "summary": Summary, "sup": Sup, "svg": SVG, "table": Table, "tbody": TBody, "td": Td, "textarea": Textarea, "tfoot": TFoot, "th": Th, "thead": THead, "time": Time, "title": TitleEl, "tr": Tr, "u": U, "ul": Ul, "var": Var, "video": Video, } for name, fn := range cases { t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("should output %v", name), func(t *testing.T) { n := fn(g.Attr("id", "hat")) assert.Equal(t, fmt.Sprintf(`<%v id="hat"></%v>`, name, name), n) }) } } func TestSimpleVoidKindElements(t *testing.T) { cases := map[string]func(...g.Node) g.Node{ "area": Area, "base": Base, "br": Br, "col": Col, "embed": Embed, "hr": Hr, "img": Img, "input": Input, "link": Link, "meta": Meta, "param": Param, "source": Source, "wbr": Wbr, } for name, fn := range cases { t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("should output %v", name), func(t *testing.T) { n := fn(g.Attr("id", "hat")) assert.Equal(t, fmt.Sprintf(`<%v id="hat">`, name), n) }) } }