// Package components provides high-level components and helpers that are composed of low-level elements and attributes.
package components

import (

	g "github.com/maragudk/gomponents"
	. "github.com/maragudk/gomponents/html"

// HTML5Props for HTML5.
// Title is set no matter what, Description and Language elements only if the strings are non-empty.
type HTML5Props struct {
	Title       string
	Description string
	Language    string
	Head        []g.Node
	Body        []g.Node

// HTML5 document template.
func HTML5(p HTML5Props) g.Node {
	return Doctype(
		HTML(g.If(p.Language != "", Lang(p.Language)),
				Meta(Name("viewport"), Content("width=device-width, initial-scale=1")),
				g.If(p.Description != "", Meta(Name("description"), Content(p.Description))),

// Classes is a map of strings to booleans, which Renders to an attribute with name "class".
// The attribute value is a sorted, space-separated string of all the map keys,
// for which the corresponding map value is true.
type Classes map[string]bool

func (c Classes) Render(w io.Writer) error {
	var included []string
	for c, include := range c {
		if include {
			included = append(included, c)
	return Class(strings.Join(included, " ")).Render(w)

func (c Classes) Type() g.NodeType {
	return g.AttributeType

// String satisfies fmt.Stringer.
func (c Classes) String() string {
	var b strings.Builder
	_ = c.Render(&b)
	return b.String()