(ns microformats.parser (:require [net.cgrand.enlive-html :as html] [clojure.zip :as z] [clojure.core.reducers :as r] [clojure.string :as str])) (defmacro anacond [& clauses] (when clauses (list 'if-let ['% (first clauses)] (if (next clauses) (second clauses) (throw (IllegalArgumentException. "anacond requires an even number of forms"))) (cons 'anacond (next (next clauses)))))) (defn prefixed-by? [prefix] #(.startsWith % prefix)) (defn remove-mf-prefix "Remove microformats prefixes from a class attribute" [prefix] #(apply str (drop (count prefix) %))) (defn- split-ws-attribute "Split a whitespace-separated attribute." [class] (str/split class #"\s+")) (defn classes-to-props "Convert class list to list of microformat property keywords" [prefix] (comp (r/map keyword) (r/map (remove-mf-prefix prefix)) (r/filter (prefixed-by? prefix)))) (defn element-to-classes "Get list of classes from an element" [el] (some-> el :attrs :class split-ws-attribute)) (defn element-to-rels "Get list of rels from an element" [el] (-> el :attrs :rel split-ws-attribute)) (defn- node-to-html "Turn a node into a list of HTML strings" [el] (map #(if (string? %) % (apply str (persistent! (html/emit-tag % (transient []))))) el)) (defn- node-to-text "Turn a node into a text string" [content] (->> content html/texts (map #(str/replace % #"\s+" " ")) (apply str) str/trim)) (defn get-value-class "Get the value class of elements" [elements] (str/join " " (into [] ((comp (r/map (partial apply str)) (r/map node-to-text) (r/map :content)) elements)))) (defn find-value-class "Find and get the value class of elements" [el] (when-let [values (seq (html/select el [html/root :> :.value]))] (get-value-class values))) (defn get-p-value "Get the p-x property value of an element" [el] (str/trim (or (find-value-class el) (case (:tag el) :img (-> el :attrs :alt) :area (-> el :attrs :alt) :abbr (-> el :attrs :title) :data (-> el :attrs :value) :input (-> el :attrs :value) nil) (node-to-text (:content el)) ""))) (defn get-u-value "Get the u-x property value of an element" [el] (str/trim (or (find-value-class el) (case (:tag el) :a (-> el :attrs :href) :area (-> el :attrs :href) :img (-> el :attrs :src) :object (-> el :attrs :data) (get-p-value el)) (node-to-text (:content el)) ""))) (defn get-dt-value "Get the dt-x property value of an element" [el] (str/trim (or (find-value-class el) (case (:tag el) :time (-> el :attrs :datetime) :ins (-> el :attrs :datetime) :del (-> el :attrs :datetime) :abbr (-> el :attrs :title) :data (-> el :attrs :value) :input (-> el :attrs :value)) (node-to-text (:content el)) ""))) (defn get-e-value "Get the e-x propery value of an element" [el] (let [content (:content el)] (list {:html (apply str (node-to-html content)) :value (apply str (node-to-text content))}))) (defn parse-p "Parse p-* classes within HTML element." [element] (->> element element-to-classes ((classes-to-props "p-")) (r/map #(hash-map % (list (get-p-value element)))) (into {}))) (defn parse-u "Parse u-* classes within HTML element" [element] (->> element element-to-classes ((classes-to-props "u-")) (r/map #(hash-map % (list (get-u-value element)))) (into {}))) (defn parse-dt "Parse dt-* classes within HTML element" [element] (->> element element-to-classes ((classes-to-props "dt-")) (r/map #(hash-map % (list (get-dt-value element)))) (into {}))) (defn parse-e "Parse e-* classes within HTML element" [element] (->> element element-to-classes ((classes-to-props "e-")) (r/map #(hash-map % (get-e-value element))) (into {}))) (defn- get-mf-names "Get the microformat names from an element" [element] (->> element element-to-classes (r/filter (prefixed-by? "h-")) (into []))) (defn- parse-implied-name "Get the implied name of an entity" [element] (case (:tag element) :abbr (-> element :attrs :title) :img (-> element :attrs :alt) (cond-let (first (html/select element [html/root :> [:img html/only-child]])) (-> % :attrs :alt) (first (html/select element [html/root :> [:abbr html/only-child (html/attr? :title)]])) (-> % :attrs :title) (first (html/select element [html/root :> html/only-child :> [:img html/only-child]])) (-> % :attrs :alt) (first (html/select element [html/root :> html/only-child :> [:abbr html/only-child (html/attr? :title)]])) (-> % :attrs :title) true (node-to-text (:content element))))) (defn- parse-implied-url [element] (case (:tag element) :a (-> element :attrs :href) (if-let [% (first (html/select element [html/root :> [:a (html/attr? :href) html/only-of-type (html/but-node (html/attr-contains :class "h-"))]]))] (-> % :attrs :href)))) (defn- parse-implied-photo [element] (case (:tag element) :img (-> element :attrs :src) :object (-> element :attrs :data) (cond-let (first (html/select element [html/root :> [:img (html/but-node (html/attr-contains :class "h-")) html/only-of-type]])) (-> % :attrs :src) (first (html/select element [html/root :> [:object (html/but-node (html/attr-contains :class "h-")) html/only-of-type]])) (-> % :attrs :data) (first (html/select element [html/root :> html/only-child :> [:img (html/but-node (html/attr-contains :class "h-")) html/only-of-type]])) (-> % :attrs :src) (first (html/select element [html/root :> html/only-child :> [:object (html/but-node (html/attr-contains :class "h-")) html/only-of-type]])) (-> % :attrs :data) ))) (def empty-ish #(not (str/blank? (first (second %))))) (defn parse-implied "Parse implied properties of a HTML element" [element] (into {} (filter empty-ish {:name (list (parse-implied-name element)) :url (list (parse-implied-url element)) :photo (list (parse-implied-photo element))}))) (defn- select-p [element] (html/select element [[(html/but-node #{:br :hr}) (html/attr-contains :class "p-")]])) (defn- select-u [element] (html/select element [[(html/but-node #{:br :hr}) (html/attr-contains :class "u-")]])) (defn- select-dt [element] (html/select element [[(html/but-node #{:br :hr}) (html/attr-contains :class "dt-")]])) (defn- select-e [element] (html/select element [[(html/but-node #{:br :hr}) (html/attr-contains :class "e-")]])) (defn get-mf-properties "Parse children of a microformat, returning a map of properties" [element] (let [cappend (partial merge-with concat)] (merge (parse-implied element) (apply cappend (map parse-p (select-p element))) (apply cappend (map parse-u (select-u element))) (apply cappend (map parse-dt (select-dt element))) (apply cappend (map parse-e (select-e element)))))) (defn parse-h "Parse h-* classes within a HTML element." [element] (hash-map :type (get-mf-names element) :properties (get-mf-properties element))) ;; Adapted from http://stackoverflow.com/a/7686324 (defn- parents [pred] (html/zip-pred (fn [loc] (some pred (take-while identity (iterate z/up (z/up loc))))))) (defn select-h "Select top-level h-* elements within a HTML element." [element] (html/select element [[(html/attr-contains :class "h-") (html/but (parents (html/attr? :class)))]])) (defn parse-rel "Parse rel attributes of an HTML link element" [element] (->> element element-to-rels (map keyword) (map #(hash-map % [(-> element :attrs :href)])) (into {}))) (defn select-rels "Select linking HTML elements with rel attributes" [html] (html/select html [[#{:a :link} (html/attr? :rel)]])) (defn parse-rels "Parse rel attibutes of a set of HTML link elements" [elements] (or (apply merge-with into (map parse-rel (select-rels elements))) {})) (defn parse "Parse a HTML string with microformats" [html] (let [document (html/html-snippet html)] {:items (mapv parse-h (select-h document)) :rels (parse-rels document)}))