# Hyde Hyde is a brazen two-column [hugo](https://gohugo.io) theme based on the [Jekyll](http://jekyllrb.com) theme of the same name. It pairs a prominent sidebar with uncomplicated content.  ## Contents - [Installation](#installation) - [Options](#options) - [Sidebar menu](#sidebar-menu) - [Sticky sidebar content](#sticky-sidebar-content) - [Themes](#themes) - [Reverse layout](#reverse-layout) - [Disqus](#disqus) - [Google Analytics](#google-analytics) - [Author](#author) - [Ported by](#ported-by) - [License](#license) ## Installation To install Hyde as your default theme, first install this repository in the `themes/` directory: $ cd themes/ $ git clone https://github.com/spf13/hyde.git Second, specify `hyde` as your default theme in the `config.toml` file. Just add the line theme = "hyde" at the top of the file. ## Options Hyde includes some customizable options, typically applied via classes on the `
` element. ### Sidebar menu Create a list of nav links in the sidebar by assigning "menu=main" in the front matter. ### Sticky sidebar content By default Hyde ships with a sidebar that affixes it's content to the bottom of the sidebar. You can optionally disabled this by removing the `.sidebar-sticky` class from the sidebar's `.container`. Sidebar content will then normally flow from top to bottom. ```html ``` ### Themes Hyde ships with eight optional themes based on the [base16 color scheme](https://github.com/chriskempson/base16). Apply a theme to change the color scheme (mostly applies to sidebar and links).  There are eight themes available at this time.  To use a theme, add the `themeColor` variable under `params`, like so: **TOML** ```toml theme = "hyde" [params] themeColor = "theme-base-09" ``` **YAML** ```yaml theme: "hyde" params: themeColor: "theme-base-09" ``` To create your own theme, look to the Themes section of [included CSS file](https://github.com/poole/hyde/blob/master/public/css/hyde.css). Copy any existing theme (they're only a few lines of CSS), rename it, and change the provided colors. ### Reverse layout  To reverse page orientation, add the `layoutReverse` variable under `params`, like so: **TOML** ```toml theme = "hyde" [params] layoutReverse = true ``` **YAML** ```yaml theme: "hyde" params: layoutReverse: true ``` ### Disqus You can optionally enable a comment system powered by Disqus for the posts. Simply add the variable `disqusShortname` to your config file. **TOML** ```toml disqusShortname = "spf13" ``` **YAML** ```yaml disqusShortname : spf13 ``` > **Note:** Previous version 1.0 the Disqus shortname had to be defined inside the `[params]` block. ## Google Analytics Google Analytics can be enabled by assigning your tracking code to the `googleAnalytics` variable in the config file: **TOML** ```toml googleAnalytics = "Your tracking code" ``` **YAML** ```yaml googleAnalytics: Your tracking code ``` ## Author **Mark Otto** -