* Dotfiles I've organised this repository with [[https://www.gnu.org/software/stow/][GNU Stow]]. It focuses on [[http://zsh.sourceforge.net][Z Shell]] and [[http://emacs.sexy][Emacs]]. It doesn't use any configuration frameworks, just packages installed via package managers. For Z shell I use [[https://zplug.sh/][zplug]] and for Emacs I use the built-in package.el via [[https://github.com/jwiegley/use-package][use-package]]. I've included a wrapper script for =stow= which sets the target directory to =$HOME=, instead of =../=. This allows the repository to be cloned anywhere, instead of following the =stow= convention of being one level below the target directory. It should work on: - Linux - OSX - FreeBSD - Windows/Ubuntu ** Installation Clone the project anywhere, e.g. with =[[https://github.com/motemen/ghq][ghq]]= #+BEGIN_SRC sh :exports code ghq get git://git.alanpearce.eu/dotfiles ghq look git.alanpearce.eu/dotfiles #+END_SRC Or just with normal git #+BEGIN_SRC sh :exports code git clone git://git.alanpearce.eu/dotfiles ~/projects/alanpearce-dotfiles #+END_SRC Installing a set of dotfiles with =stow= is simple. For example, with Emacs: #+BEGIN_SRC sh :exports code ./stow -S emacs #+END_SRC And then to uninstall #+BEGIN_SRC sh :exports code ./stow -D emacs #+END_SRC *** Z Shell My zsh configuration uses [[https://zplug.sh/][zplug]], so that will need to be installed: #+BEGIN_SRC sh :exports code git clone git://github.com/zplug/zplug ~/projects/zplug/ #+END_SRC To install the packages: #+BEGIN_SRC sh :exports code zsh -ic "zplug install" #+END_SRC Note that this will log some errors about a pipe, but that's okay. zplug is meant to be used in a real interactive shell. *** Emacs I use org-mode for my Emacs init file. To simplify setup, I created a [[file:emacs/.emacs.d/Makefile][Makefile]]. #+BEGIN_SRC sh :exports code cd ~/.emacs.d/ make #+END_SRC