* Bitcoincharts Beancount converter This is a quick tool I hacked together to convert historic bitcoin prices from [[http://api.bitcoincharts.com/v1/csv/][bitcoincharts CSVs]] into beancount price directives. The files are gzipped CSVs of (unixtime, price, tradeamount) For each month with trades on the 1st, the tool calculates a weighted average of trades on that day and outputs a beancount price directive. ** Running The tool does not download files on its own. Download the files before running. #+BEGIN_SRC shell $ node index.js some.csv.gz # or $ node index.js some.csv.gz EUR # or $ node index.js some.csv.gz EUR BTC #+END_SRC *** Parameters - filename (gzipped CSV) - currency [optional] (currency code used in beancount {USD,EUR, etc}) - commodity [optional] (currency code of commodity) {BTC,BCH,LTC, etc} *** Status It works. I don't plan on working on it much further. It's not very efficent. I suspect the main problem is the group function probably doesn't assume that the input is sorted and therefore buffers its entire input. Patches welcome. ** License MIT